Question vbsuperpmpostbit.png breaking SSL

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This image seems to be breaking the SSL certificate on my browser,

I am at the moment re-writing it to not break the SSL, but is this hard coded somewhere, as I found it in the templates and it looks normal there?

Any ideas, very strange one.

broken image.PNG

Thanks Mick
It is only referenced once, in the dbtech_vbsuper_pm_postbit.css template.

Yeah I found that, and it is coded normally (dbtech/images/etc/etc)

That should not break SSL its when its hard coded that things are breaking SSL?

I had 320 smilies with http lol, I had to manually change every single one :(

I will keep looking, I never posted this as a bug because I was not sure?

Thank you.

Try adding {vb:raw vboptions.bburl}/ in front of the path anyway, just to make sure it uses whatever you set in the vBOptions. Note that this means you may need to re-generate your CSS files if you change back to HTTP.
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