Graham Kelly

New member

we recently installed vB Optimise Lite on our site and like what we see so far. I had a few questions about the Guest Caching feature in Pro.

1) We have several plugins (some of which make up a good deal of our traffic) would the pages for these be cached as well?

2) We use the VB ad system on most of our pages with a few different options for each ad location (internal ads and various ad networks). Does the guest cache simply grab a snapshot of the page HTML which would just have the ad code generated for the first instance of the page or does it have the ability to mix in ads as normal?

Fillip H. should be able to answer this for you, since he is the dev currently supporting vBOptimize.
1) We have several plugins (some of which make up a good deal of our traffic) would the pages for these be cached as well?
If they are vBulletin powered pages then I do believe so, yeah.

2) We use the VB ad system on most of our pages with a few different options for each ad location (internal ads and various ad networks). Does the guest cache simply grab a snapshot of the page HTML which would just have the ad code generated for the first instance of the page or does it have the ability to mix in ads as normal?
I'm pretty sure it takes a snapshot of the page HTML, that's why it's recommended to set the TTL to a low number (like the default 5 minutes) so as to keep content from growing stale.
Is it possible to only enable it only on specific pages? It might be worth using on some of our hardest hit pages (namely the CMS index and forum indexes would be nice to totally cache).
Not really specific pages per say, but their is some additional areas in the pro version you can toggle vBo on/off.

vB Optimise: Cache Dismissed Notices
This option specifies if you would like vB Optimise to cache Dismissed Notices.

When using the vBulletin notices on your forum, any that can be dismissed will generate a query by vBulletin to check the users notices that have been dismissed. The result of this is a query everyhere notices are displayed. vB Optimise can cache this data to stop the query from executing.

vB Optimise: Cache Showgroups Query
In showgroups.php vBulletin execute a query which can become more intensive as your user count increases. vB Optimise can cache this query for X hours so that the query is ran a minimal amount of times.

Note: This setting indicates hours, by default this is set to "4" for four hours, to disable simply enter 0.

vB Optimise: Forum Display Query Enhancement
Within forumdisplay.php, vBulletin executes a query to fetch the count of threads/new threads. vB Optimise can adjust this query to use a better alternative that will yeild the same results but faster.

Note: If this results in a MySQL error you may be using an old version of MySQL, you can disable the option or upgrade your MySQL installation to resolve the issue.

vB Optimise: Cache Forum Home WOL
If you display your WOL ("Who's Online") on your forum homepage, you may be aware that it can create additional load if you have a lot of users online. Large forums usually have this feature disabled to save the load completely. vB Optimise can cache this data for X minutes so you're able to display this data without adding load on your forum.

Simply enter the number of minutes you want to cache the Forum Home WOL for, by default this setting is set to 4.

Note: To disable this setting, enter 0. Additionally, this setting will be ignored if your Forum Home WOL is disabled.

vB Optimise: Guest Full Page Caching
This option if enabled will allow entire pages of content to be cached for Guests. This is recommended for forums who usually have a lot of Guests online, HTML output will be saved for X minutes which results in faster page loading (for guests only) and a dramatic reduction in queries executed.

How to enable: To enable this setting simply enter an integer to specify the cache lifespan of content in minutes, the higher the value the more "stale

vB Optimise: Overload vBCache Handler
vBulletin 4 has a new integrated cache system that is used through your forum extensively and in some cases extreme in regards to CMS, Permissions and Forum Blocks. Unfortunately vBulletin currently only has a Database controller for this cache which results in a mass of queries executed throughout your forum which is unrequired.

Turning this setting on will allow vB Optimiser to overload the vBCache Handler and use your desired Opcacher Operator configured in these settings. This can save you upto 10+ queries on some CMS pages, and several others where Permissions or Forum Blocks are used.
Unfortunately there's no per-page caching, as that would be a nightmare to configure.
2) We use the VB ad system on most of our pages with a few different options for each ad location (internal ads and various ad networks). Does the guest cache simply grab a snapshot of the page HTML which would just have the ad code generated for the first instance of the page or does it have the ability to mix in ads as normal?

I think (not sure, didn't test it my self to be 100% sure) that this works like this:

Page output is cached, this means page HTML (what your browser uses to make your forum appear on screen). This actually means no php, no mysql queries. But your ads are in HTML code, not actual images that you see in your browser. So every time your guest loads cached HTML code he gets HTML code that your browser uses to make calls to your ad provider's site (Google AdSense for example) and he sees new ads. Basically that means your ads still work as there's no caching involved anywhere.

Your HTML code is always the same for Google AdSense, as well as for any other Ad provider. I think that there wouldn't be any problems even if you use your own script outside vB on same server. There could be problems if you use script inside vBulletin because in that case scripts data could be cached i.e. "frozen" by vBOptimise. But maybe even that would work fine.

Just to mention, I don't know for any script that works inside vBulletin (if someone know one, please point me to it).

To tell it short, your ads probably would work without any problem.
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