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Just installed the latest and greatest (trying to get off of that "other" tabbed system) and there seems to be a few issues...

1. The tabs do not line up
2. No forums appear when a tab is clicked.

Also my tabs look nothing like yours here with the rounded edges. I am probably missing something simple, which is 99.9% of the time :)

Thanks for posting 1quicksi. Are you using the default skin? What browser are you using including the version number?

The tabs not lining up is more to do with there being more than the line can hold. I will look at how we can improve that in the system. You might want to reduce the length of some of the tab names, or consider grouping them into category tabs (like the 'Forums' tab on the top line).

If forums aren't appearing, have you selected any within the tab in the Admin Control Panel? Only AJAX Tabs (not the Category Tabs) will have the option to do so, and Favourites and All are system tabs so aren't editable.

Let me know if the above helps with it, and if not, I'm happy to have a look over it for you if you need me to. :)
For initial testing I selected "All forums" for the tabs but still nothing is showing.

I do have a question about how this modification works though. I run 2 levels of catagories then the actual forums. Can the tabs select the primary category then have a secondary set of tabs under it?

Category 1 (This is the top level tab)
- sub category 1 (this tab opens when the above is selected)
--Actual forums (these forums appear if sub category 1 tab is selected)
-sub category 2
--Actual forums here

This would really really be a huge help if it could.

Other then that still not sure why I can't get forums to list...
For initial testing I selected "All forums" for the tabs but still nothing is showing.

That is the default 'all forums' tab and doesn't have an option to select forums. Instead, check one of the other tabs other than Favourites (which also doesn't allow selectable forums via the ACP). I'd suggest 'Hostboard Administration' as the tab to edit. You will see then a select list. For it to work correctly you need to select the forum/forums you want and make sure that any parent forums or parent category forums are selected right to the top level.

Category 1 (This is the top level tab)
- sub category 1 (this tab opens when the above is selected)
--Actual forums (these forums appear if sub category 1 tab is selected)
-sub category 2
--Actual forums here

This is entirely doable. :)

Create a Category Tab (Category for short) and assign to it AJAX Tabs (Tab for short). Any forums in those AJAX Tabs will only appear when they are selected. :)

If you still need help, send me an Admin enabled account and password to your site and make sure it has permissions to edit the Styles and Forum Tabs areas and I'll take a look. :)
PM sent.
Thank you

Edit: I have finished creating all category and tabs for the site...
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Matt, thank you for taking the time to look at this and get it working.
One last question... When you open the category tab you are presented with the sub-catagory tab (perfect) Whne you click ont he sub-catagory tab you are presented with the sub-catagory which you have to click on in order to get the forums under that sub-catagory. Is it possible to just have the sub-catagory tab list all the forums under it without having to click on it kind of a second time? The forums are never static and are always being added and or removed.

Again thank you for getting this working!
Matt, thank you for taking the time to look at this and get it working.
One last question... When you open the category tab you are presented with the sub-catagory tab (perfect) Whne you click ont he sub-catagory tab you are presented with the sub-catagory which you have to click on in order to get the forums under that sub-catagory. Is it possible to just have the sub-catagory tab list all the forums under it without having to click on it kind of a second time? The forums are never static and are always being added and or removed.

Again thank you for getting this working!

Glad to help (for other users with a similar issue, the older AJAX tabs mod on required manual style edits in the FORUMHOME template that needed reverting).

Each category tab can have a default tab. That means when a category tab is opened for the first time then it will pick that AJAX tab over the others. However... that can be overridden by the user either because they have set their own default tab, or because they last visited another tab on that category that is opened by default (a cookie stores the data). But in essence, it should do what you want if I've understood you right.

To set a default tab, edit the Category Tab in question and then selected the existing tab you want to use. Remember AJAX tabs can be set to appear on all Category Tabs. That means they will also list as an option for Default Tab.

Let me know if that helps or not. :)
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