Legacy Template not preserved when saving draft

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If you "Save Draft" in a new message which has been created from a template then template is converted into a draft.

Similarly if you click "Save as Template" on a draft then the draft is converted into a template.
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Thanks for the reply.

Is there any possibility of this changing in a future update? It would be incredibly useful to be able to preserve the original template when saving a draft so it can be re-used. At the moment we have to choose between either preserving the template for re-use and having to perfect the message first time or destroying the template and being able to leave the message unfinished and come back to amend it before sending.
Thank you. It would certainly be very useful and much loved by our editors!

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In the next version, currently scheduled to be released Monday, I've made it so that if you open a Template and save as Draft, it'll leave the original template intact and instead save the new email as a Draft. The same applies for saving a Draft as a Template, it'll leave the original Draft alone.
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