Bug Tag box isn't showing up properly

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Linking to Social Media with Siasat.pk - Haroon ur Rasheed facing Social Media's stiff Questions.png

Hello mods,

First of all thank you for this great plugin.

I just upgraded to the latest version and the tag box isn't working properly. Sometimes If I tag, it doesn't work but eventually works after several attempts.

I thought maybe there was an issue with installation so I re did the whole thing but it didn't help.

Kindly help
Fillip H.

When I enter a user name and press submit, nothing happens. The user doesn't get tagged but it does work after several attempts.

Also the box where I enter the user name isn't appearing properly as you can see in the image. It is too big for some reason.

If I send you the log in details. Can you please take a look?
The box as you see in the picture is how it's supposed to look.

Is there a way to reliably replicate the actual issue you're reporting?
The box as you see in the picture is how it's supposed to look.

Is there a way to reliably replicate the actual issue you're reporting?

No the box is usually smaller.

I see it is doing the same thing on this forum as well.

Usually when I put a cursor in the tag box, the list of previously tagged user ids would show up(OR let's say If I put any alphabet in the box, the previously all the ids starting from that alphabet would show up) but after the upgrade in the bigger box you can't do that. Please make the box smaller like it used to be, then it should work alright.

I hope what I said above makes sense.

I was about to completely remove and reinstall the plugin but then I realized there is an issue with the plugin and this wouldn't fix it.

It is important since a lot of users are complaining on the forum. Kindly help get this #fixed
No the box is usually smaller.
Before we implemented the username auto-complete functionality, the box was indeed a single-line box. This changed when we implemented that functionality, and is a requirement.

The box will not be shrunk in size, sorry. This is not a bug, and will not be changed.
Before we implemented the username auto-complete functionality, the box was indeed a single-line box. This changed when we implemented that functionality, and is a requirement.

The box will not be shrunk in size, sorry. This is not a bug, and will not be changed.

Even If I manually put more more than two users in the box to tag. It doesn't work. Every user has to be tagged individually.

I'm using the following format

user one, user two

I tried with and without space.

unfortunately it made things tougher instead of making it easier for us.
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The instructions on screen, if you have the latest version, tells you to use it like so: User1;User2;User3 etc. The instructions were incorrect for a period of time in the previous version.

Semi-colon is the separator.
Just came to report the same thing. Thanks for the clarification, certainly helps those of us who have had this for a few years and are used to putting the commas in and used to the single line text box.
FYI, my tag box still tells you to use a comma, not a semi-colon.

"Input each user name separated by a comma, like so: User1,User2,User3."

But the auto fill feature like in PM is awesome.
Try re-downloading the latest version and re-importing the product XML file - I believe it's been fixed :)
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Legacy Advanced User Tagging

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
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