Bug Slider Stuck at Loading Screen

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My Slider has recently started to hang on the loading screen. It seems a little hit and miss but more on the miss side lately. It happens on both the cms and forum. I have tried to reduce the thread quantity to 1 and still nothing. I also tried the JQuery on and off and still nothing.
cms slider.jpg forum slider.jpg
The following code appears to be the culprit:
<SCRIPT src='http://www.lduhtrp.net/javascript/get_flash_html.js' type='text/javascript'>
<SCRIPT type='text/javascript'>
getFlashHtml('2011_Click_728x90', 728, 90, 'http://www.tqlkg.com/flash-6013161-10892567?clickTag=http://www.anrdoezrs.net/click-6013161-10892567', '', 'http://www.awltovhc.com/image-6013161-10892567', 'http://www.anrdoezrs.net/click-6013161-10892567')
</SCRIPT></div></div><!-- More Share Options TNG by BOP5 Start -->
<br />

ReferenceError: getFlashHtml is not defined
Ah, now the real issue becomes apparent :)

I believe I may have already fixed this in a hotfix, can you please try re-downloading and re-uploading the files? Let me know when that's done and I'll check - I could reproduce it in Firefox on my machine on your site.
I believe I may have already fixed this in a hotfix, can you please try re-downloading and re-uploading the files? Let me know when that's done and I'll check - I could reproduce it in Firefox on my machine on your site.


I don't see the jquery error anymore in the error console.
Good, me neither :)

It seems to work fine for now, I'll mark it as Fixed but the thread will be open for you if you run into it again :)
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