Legacy REQUEST - Option for multiple open graph images

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Currently vb by default only allows you to enter one open graph image (Facebook Options - Image URL). The problem with this is that depending on where you share links on Facebook the image Facebook displays may be formated as square or in other areas more of a portrait view. If the single image you have is not the right format for where the user is sharing, this can cause users to either choose not to use an image or in some cases they may not share the link at all because of the distorted image. In either case this will negatively affect the overall effectiveness of the share.

This issue could easily be resolved by adding multiple open graph image references sitewide. Facebook will then pick up on all the open graph image references on the page and will give the user the option of which one to use when they are sharing the page url:

<meta property="og:image" content="http://www.MYSITE.com/open-graph-1.png" />
<meta property="og:image" content="http://www.MYSITE.com/open-graph-2.png" />

Under Social Sharing Settings - General Settings: If you could add an option allowing for multiple open graph image urls to be used sitewide.
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