
  1. E

    Question Sharing after every post - pros cons

    What are the pros / cons to having the add this social sharing buttons to every post? If after every post, does google see this as "spam" or similar? I don't mind members seeing these buttons after every post, but if there is an seo reason not to do it, then I won't do it. Thanks!
  2. bzcomputers

    Legacy REQUEST - Option for multiple open graph images

    Currently vb by default only allows you to enter one open graph image (Facebook Options - Image URL). The problem with this is that depending on where you share links on Facebook the image Facebook displays may be formated as square or in other areas more of a portrait view. If the single image...
  3. Nirjonadda

    Bug After Every Post

    Show Thread: After Every Post does not get working, Its does not show Social Sharing buttons.
  4. Z

    Legacy add the system reputation Forum

    Hello there Is it possible if you see the value of adding the reputation system on the forum in order to thank users for sharing. in this idea, for example, thank you very much
  5. Philip J Ludlam

    Legacy Social Sharing buttons for CMS

    Hi, I notice there's Social Sharing buttons for the forum and blog, but not the CMS. It would be great if you could add Social Sharing buttons to the CMS for dbSEO. Thanks.