Parrots, Babylon 5, Stargate, and Things That Go Bump in the big Raccoons

Alisa Lindsay

Hello All,

In one of the threads somewhere, I saw an invitation to start an off-topic thread, so here I am!

I'll make parrots my first OT subject...but warning...I'm an Aquarius so the subject might change in middle of the sentence.

I have 8 birds, 7 parrots and a rescued dove.

Gryphon - Blue and Gold Macaw (my youngest)
Harlequin (Harli) - Blue and Gold Macaw (oldest) and bi-polar
Hector - Military Macaw, lease talkative
Georgia - Moluccan Cockatoo, most talkative
Rosie - Rose Breasted Cockatoo, serial killer in a past life
Nugget - Illiger's Mini-Macaw, smallest macaw, biggest attitude
Sydney - Australian Princess of Wales grass parakeet, no talking but gorgeous
Doofus - Dove, sings pretty but dumber than a bag of hammers

Parrot Story 1: About two years ago, the parrots shared the sun room (we've since had the garage enclosed, heated/cooled, and they are out there...easier to move them to safety if we have a fire or something). From the sun room they could see the back yard and every little intruder...squirrel, deer, neighborhood children, mosquitoes, imaginary friends, etc...set them to screaming. Mainly it was Gryphon raising the alarm. We usually called to them and told them to hush although one of us would usually say, "Unless it's an alien invasion, pipe down."

So, one day, they are screaming and screaming and screaming. I look out back and there's a small group of deer at the salt-block. So I yell at them to hush.

Without pause, Gryphon (who calls me Ama instead of Mama) says, "Laliens Ama, Laliens!"

I had to give him that one as I guess for a tropical bird, deer are quite alien!



Man, I want to own some large birds now =D

Or a Lion cub... *cue Scrubs style wacky daydream*
PARROTS! So yes, my mancakes wants a large sized parrot and has been talking about it for years! But we've been living in a small apartment and there's just not the space for one right now. We are crossing fingers that we'll be in a house by the end of the year and finally be able to have a bird. When I was younger my mom had cockatiels and they were always so much fun. XD My brother used to throw himself in the floor and pitch temper tantrums, so after awhile the birds learned to say "Ooowww" everytime he came in to the room.

Right NOW though, we have a black and white cat named Strelok. Yes, gamer nerds, Strelok from S.T.A.L.K.E.R. >: D When you "shoot" at him he will fall over and play dead. Insert "Find Strelok. Kill Strelok." jokes here.

In about three or four weeks we're going to be getting a new calico kitten! <3 My friend's cat had kittens not too long ago and a graciously volunteered to steal one. I can only imagine what we'll be teaching that one!
The cats sound lovely.

Well....if you do get around to considering a parrot...feel free to give me a shout here or ask for my IM (YIM) via PM. Or, if they allow chat rooms here, we can open a chat so we don't bore everyone silly about parrots.

I will give you the speech I used when we ran our parrot rehab/adoption service...

1. Parrots are loud, they will always be loud, this is how they communicate.

2. Parrots are messy. It is their job to make splinters. They do it well.

3. Parrots are expensive...unless you are creative at making safe, chewable toys, be prepared to shell out lots of $$$.

4. No matter how wonderful, how beautiful, how sweet...sooner or later you will get bitten. Parrots bite. It's part of how they "feel" the world around them.

5. Parrots are VERY time consuming. Be prepared to let them dine with you, hang out with you, etc. They need a good 4 to 5 hours of interaction a day.

If, after all that, you still want a parrot then you have what it takes to be a good parrot mom and/or dad. They are wonderful, intelligent companions. Some can achieve the interactive/intellect level of a 3 to 5 year old child. They are funny, curious and beautiful. And yes...I've been bitten lots. None of it was out of meanness though...just roughhousing and once was a fear bite.

I adore my Fid though!