Bug Notifications Broken

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Hi Guys,

We aren't sure what the fault is here, but I've got a number of people stumped, so naturally, it's your turn!

Our Private Message notifications aren't working as they should. They aren't showing up with your notifications. We find that yours need to be cleared before the PMs show up in the drop down.

Have you got anything that can help us. We've had 3 Freeland VB people look at this problem, and they are stumped. Really hope you can help us.\

Obviously VB support aren't very helpful, because disabling hooks obviously fixes the issue from their eyes.


Hi Bailey,

Could you please try disabling all other modifications, leaving only DBTech mods enabled? I have a hard time imagining this is a problem in our mod, since in the 4+ years since we've released this mod, no other forum has reported anything remotely similar as far as I can remember.
Hi There,

I have tried that, and unfortunately it hasn't cured the problem.

I certainly don't think it is an error with the plugin by any means, as you can see, we've been using some of your mods for quite some time without so much as an issue. I just thought it was worth asking you guys too.

I'm wondering, is the default behaviour to show all of the available notifications? As in, PMs, Thanks/Likes, Mentions and Quotes in one menu?

Also, can you tell me. Does uninstalling any of your products remove the DB entries? I'm very keen to remove the mods, and re-install them, without removing the DB entries.


Hi Bailey,

In vB4, only notifications that actually have values will be displayed, so if someone had unread PMs, unread Thanks/Likes as well as unread Mentions, they would all be displayed. If the user only had unread PMs, only unread PMs would be displayed in the notifications list.

Uninstalling our mods does indeed remove all DB entries, I don't think a reinstall would resolve it either to be honest.

If you PM me with an FTP and AdminCP account I can look into this as soon as I'm able, I'm not rightly sure when but I expect to be able to take a look around Tuesday :)
Hello broncoshq,

This ticket has now been closed with the status Cannot Reproduce.

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Thank you!
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