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If you don't already have a .htaccess file on your server, you should create it via your FTP program :)
I use filezila, how does one create it? Sorry for such a silly question. Do I Just type create new file and name .htaccess? or is there a a more detailed way?
Well I never really touch the permissions of the php files unless an addon or modification asks me too. I know that when you create a file in filezilla it defaults to xxx, and I am pretty sure that isn't what most of the files are?
Our .htaccess file is using 644 as its permissions, but it varies from each server.
I guess I am still having issues.

my vB is installed in a addon domain, so it's not under public_html, but it is the root directory of the addon domain.

I noticed the true public_html has an .htaccess file. Do I edit that one? I found a .htaccess file in the do not upload section of my vBulletin install, I used that this time, but still having issues. Do I have to delete the original public_html file? Sorry for all of the questions, I just really want this SEO to work. I hope it was worth the $100 I spent for the year updates.

Edit: I am contacting my host and making my vBulletin my default domain, maybe this will solve this issue?
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You would edit the .htaccess file for the folder your forum.php and dbseo.php and other vB files are placed in.
Well I am not sure what the issue is, I have reinstalled my vBulletin from scratch, and the only thing I did was close it to the public and install the SEO. That's it, no other addons, or changes.

When I login I get Invalid Redirect URL (Number of Players) but it does log me in, then when I click on a "forum" it brings me to activity.php and highlights the activity tab.

I haven't changed anything in the SEO settings. But I figure if I am starting with issues, I might as well fix them before changing things.

For some reason I can't figure out, your site doesn't like the www. prefix to URLs. I have applied a forced redirect from the www. version of your domain to the www-less version.

I have also updated the DBSEO configuration to use the www-less version. The forums now appear to function correctly :)
That's very strange, I don't really like that solution, but I guess it's better then a kick in the pants, there isn't a way around it, perhaps something I could ask my host?

Also when I click on "FORUM" in the navbar, it still doesn't go to the forums, it goes back to activty.

Can you give me a detailed description of what you changed. I have a feeling I'll reinstall the vBulletin before going live, and would like to know the settings you changed so I can duplicate them if need b.e
That's very strange, I don't really like that solution, but I guess it's better then a kick in the pants, there isn't a way around it, perhaps something I could ask my host?
Maybe, I can't be sure.

Also when I click on "FORUM" in the navbar, it still doesn't go to the forums, it goes back to activty.
Go to the Navigation Manager and edit the tab you would like to be default and set Default: Yes.

Can you give me a detailed description of what you changed. I have a feeling I'll reinstall the vBulletin before going live, and would like to know the settings you changed so I can duplicate them if need b.e
* Removed the vB redirects from the .htaccess file
* added
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.yourdomain\.com
RewriteRule (.*)$1 [R=301,L,QSA]
to the htaccess file
* Changed the WWW preference in DBSEO to non-www
thanks for the quick reply, but changing the default loader doesn't change FORUM from going to activity.php, and when I click on edit it shows up as: activity.php ? i would like the CMS to be default (Which it is set to that right now) and when the forum navbar "button" is clicked to go to the message board.
so i had my host reset my whole hosting server back to factory settings.

i am, still having a few issues after the reinstall, the main one being with my forum.php file. I read some other threads, and you reccemend turning off "Turn off the "Force Forum Directory Index" setting if you would like to restore /forum.php."

but I can't find that option?
ok i found that, got another question.

It seams to me that by default it's changing CMS, BLOG, GROUPS, ect. to their own folders.

I know the default vB4 install folder has in the do not upload section a folder for blog, cms, forum... but where are the others such as group, and any other i am missing?
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