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You should not upload any of those folders. They are only designed to be used if you want to physically relocate the forum/CMS/Blog to subdirectories - in no way, shape or form does it affect the way DBSEO works :)

If you have uploaded any of those folders, please remove them from your server immediately, as they are likely to interfere with DBSEO and cause unexpected behaviour.
Alright, well I got everything installed, and working on getting everything setup. Thank for being helping me, I had a few hichups, but we are working though them! I was going to make a new thread becuase I have a few more questions, and I am sure I will come up with a few more, but I didn't want to spam the SEO forum, so if you want to change the title of this to ".htaccess file & other questions" feel free. :)

I talked to my host and had them "factory reset" my hosting, and that seams to have fixed the www. issue. I think the biggest problem was a .htaccess file in my public_html folder (number of players was a addon domain, I made it my default domain, and now I insatlled other addon domains under /players/xxx instead of /players/public_html/xxx so now only NoP is in public_html. Solved the biggest issue, and the other issue seams to be solved by turning off that Force URL thing we were talking about before.

So now it's just setting the settings to what I'd like. I changed forum urls from the default SEO of /forum2 to the name of the forum. That's working great. I think I also did the same for titles of threads, but I haven't posted anything yet (still need to set up other addons first)

Here are some questions I am having now though:

I pretty much have all other settings at default to what you made them. To take advantage of the SEO (This is my first time using an SEO type program) do I have to do anything else? I linked my Google Analitics account too. I just want to make sure I am getting the most value of the addon, it was a pricey one, but from what I have heard having an SEO is very importent, so I desided to pull the triger.

Now as far as some settings, I am not seeing a "documentation" area that you have for a lot of your other addons, if there is one, let me know. But for now I guess I'll just ask them as they come up.

I made the CMS the default loader, and that's working fine:

It currently is set to this:


and it loads as:
What's weird there isn't a contant folder in my FTP.

I really want it to show up as Number of Players but I don't know if that's possible? I changed it to custom and added index.php and if I look at the URL link it says index.php but when clicked it still shows /contant. Thoughts?

The Forum Navbar tab redirects to forum.php, and that seams fine, but if I wanted it to be /forums how would I do that?

Blogs are currently set to : blogs/recent-entries/ again no folder called blog in my FTP but it works oddly enough. I would like that to say /journals

Activity is currently renamed to Patch Notes, and is set to activity.php, I'd like it to be /patchnotes if possible?

From what I understand this is something the SEO can do with all of the custom URLS, but maybe I am missing something?
Now as far as some settings, I am not seeing a "documentation" area that you have for a lot of your other addons, if there is one, let me know. But for now I guess I'll just ask them as they come up.
There is currently no manual for DBSEO, it's mostly "set it and forget it".

What's weird there isn't a contant folder in my FTP.
That's not weird at all, that's how "mod_rewrite Friendly URLs" work :)
It "tricks" the web server into thinking those folders exist, essentially.

If you restore the previously provided access details I can attempt to configure the mod the way you wish :)
I am at work at the moment, and want to think about exactly how I want the URLs to look, thank for for such a large help. I am really enjoying the compatibility between each of your addons. I have quite a few now, and might get 1 or 2 more in the future.

I will let you know when I have a definite list of URLs I am looking for.

One other question while Im at it I wasn;'t sure about was two domain names.

I have Number of Players if I wanted say to act exactlly like can the SEO addon do this? Do I need two vB licenses? Essentially Legion Triarii is a guild I am in, that numberofplayers is going to be hosting.

thanks again for being understanding.
You've been more then helpful Bez, I don't wanna bug you to login to admincp again.. if I can't figure this out I might have you, but I am learning and getting better. I have quite a few of your addons now :)

I am getting some things changed without problems...

The issue I am am trying to resolve right now is with forum.php

I want the forum URLs to be

I got the catagories, and forum names to change by using this:


Define "[forum_path]"
Custom: community/[forum_title]

Forum URL
Custom: community/[forum_title]

This doesn't change the forum.php though for the default forum home.

Try putting this in the "(Pro) Custom Rewrite Rules" field in the General Rewrite Settings:
'^forum\.php$' => 'community/'
That worked! would

'^activity\.php$' => 'patchnotes/'

turn the activity stream to


Edit: yes it will. That shouldn't cause any issues should it?
I don't believe so, but if you do receive reports of "oddities" with the stream, you'll know what to disable first to see if that resolves it :)
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