Bug @ mentions are not excluded inside [CODE] and [PHP] bb-codes

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Our members reported a small bug. It seems the mention tags are also added inside
 and [PHP] tags, would it be possible to exclude them from parsing? Especially in coding related forums it gets really annoying.
As a change like this could break backwards compatibility, I'd need to add an option for it. However, as a workaround, you can open /dbtech/usertag/actions/parse/mention.php and find

Replace with
USERTAG::match(strip_bbcode($message, true)

Which may have the desired effect. Let me know if you experience any issues with this.
Unfortunately that doesn't fix the problem. Also when applying the suggested patch font-markup bbcodes are added inside the mention tags, e.g. @Fillip H. results in [ MENTION = XXX][B ]@Fillip H.[/ B][ / MENTION] .
Hmmm... To be honest I'm not sure if there's a way around that then. The only thing I can think of is that you could try forcing the semicolon on? While I know semicolons do happen in code, and also that this will be an inconvenience for your users, it could be worth a try to see if it resolves the BBCode issue at least?
Hello elitepvpers,

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