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I may have done something wrong but once i upgraded from vB avatars 1.0.2 to the latest version v2.0.0b1 i seem to have had the links removed in "community" and "quick links" that let you go to the avatars page even though the checkboxes in my ACP are ticked to enable them. Not sure where they went but i cannot access them through those means (Since i don't use the tab link). After inspecting this on a default skin the link seems to be there but it also removes vBshops link on the default skin, now the vBshop link is there on my custom skin and not the vBavatars (since upgrade) yet both were there prior to upgrade. also when i clicked on vbAvatars from the default skin i got given an error message:

Fatal error: Class 'VBSIGNATURES' not found in /home/panther/public_html/forums/dbtech/avatars/actions/main.php on line 27
You list 4.1.11 in the issue but use the 4.2 prefix - which is it? In either case the link sounds like a skin issue.

I've fixed that copypaste error, can re-download and re-upload that file :)
You list 4.1.11 in the issue but use the 4.2 prefix - which is it? In either case the link sounds like a skin issue.

I've fixed that copypaste error, can re-download and re-upload that file :)

its 4.2.0, i think the 4.1.11 is due to the pre-configured set-up you can have to auto assign fields when reporting issues, might have to go update that...XD
Fillip H. That update fixed the issue, now i'm having a different issue, for whatever reason i cannot seem to see the preview of the avatar when selecting items, and clicking the preview button doesn't seem to do anything, also trying to save an outfit doesn't work either (i've named an outfit "Assasins Creed" and hit save outfit but no action is taken at all) any idea's?
I clicked on the error console but it doesn't seem to bring up anything, the buttons for save outfit and load outfit are unclickable on all skins (even default)

EDIT: also clicking on save appears to save but when you go back to the forumhome it still displays the avatar i had before upgrade and doesn't save the new parts.
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It was a bug, it's been taken care of :)

PS: You may want to use a different file for your "male white" char cause it got overwritten by the default when I re-uploaded all the files :)
Awesome well glad i was able to discover it so you could fix it :D and i'm glad it wasn't me just being a retard :P (always a bonus). Thanks Fillip!
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