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When users are receiving a message saying that there has been answered a question about them, the link only leads to the profile page, and not to the actual question answered. Is this intentional?
The actual answers are in the profiles in a specific tab. In a coming version this will most likely link directly to this tab. I hope this answers your question.
I just came to report this as well as someone answered a question about me here. If anything, opening the tab would be good instead of just the profile page.
I just came to report this as well as someone answered a question about me here. If anything, opening the tab would be good instead of just the profile page.
Hmm, I had though that this was fixed in a previous version. I'll look into it. Thanks for letting me know :)
I'm betting this is a vbSEO issue, I wish we all could find a work around for this, I realize it's a vbseo thing but I am sure there can be a customization we can post in it's settings to avoid it breaking the link to tabs feature of the notifications. It does this with any notification linking to a profile tab.
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