Bug Items sold without payment

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Hi there,
I was seeing that.... making a try of the plugin with 2 different users
one seller
and one buyer

the system sell the item also if you stop the payment in the last step.

I have made a try to purchase an item and when the paypal windows went open, I closed it (so I haven't pay that ite) but the item resulted sold.

Also to the seller account arrived the notification that the item was sold but i haven't made any payment.... so...
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On the buyer's My Classifieds page there will be the items they have bought. There will be an option for the user to make the payment for any listing the system has marked as unpaid. That should then take the user back to the PayPal page to try and complete the payment.

In a worse case scenario, on the My Classifieds page of the seller there will be an option to manually mark a payment, which could be used if a user somehow manages to not complete a payment and then pays manually via some means (such as PayPal).

Does that help? :)

PS, eBay similarly marks an item as sold even when Payment has been completed.
Thanks for you answear but it doesn't help, becouse the items result sold and there isn't in the buyer account no options to pay the items and them doesn't result like unpaied.

In both account (seller and buyer) the items appear sold, but no transaction was made.

And also I see that there isn't the possibility to give back the items if for example the buyers speak with sellers and say that him don't want that item but prefer to take another fromm him... so before the item start for shipment would be good to have something to do this that shure will be helpful...

For exmple now I don't know how to reset this try purchase, but can be helpful also for further porpose to give a good service with this plugin, if for example we are contacted from a buyers or a sellers that ask to break the purchase for some reason (but ovviously in a rate time... for example 1hour, 3hour.... like a massimum time to make this).

But the sold items without payment will create many issues...
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that maybe I was wrong and in the bug note (maybe) I have writed the Vb version 4.2.2
I don't remember good....

but I'm speaking about the 4.2.1 Vb version
Here's an example of what I was describing:

My Classifieds link after clicking the Buy button and not going to PayPal:

Hovering over the £ symbol shows that the Payment hasn't been made along with the drop down extra menu for the listing:

The View Transaction option in the menu:

Click the View Transaction takes me to the complete payment page.

Hope that helps explain a little more of what I mean. We want to introduce some extra reminder measures into Classifieds which will make it clearer what needs doing in the future. :)
Hi Mokonzi and any thanks for your clear answer.
But... I see that:

The "Awaiting Payment" button you show me doesn't appear in my buyer account.
suspended payment.png

but if I see in the acp - db classified - transaction - (all)
it show me this
pending transaction.png

And also the buyer receive the message for the "product bought message" (but no payment was made)
product bought.png
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And also... can be useful to understand...
If with seller account I mark the item in the menu on the right near the item and click the voice "Mark payment sent"
the plugin say "ok thanks... the item result paid"
then if i click on "unmark payment sent" it says:

""""Could not find phrase 'dbtech_classifieds_redirect_notpaid_thanks'. """"
I can fix the phrase error. Thanks for pointing it out. :)

What you've posted in the pictures if exactly what should happen. I can look at adding in a message to show that the payment isn't made yet and I will make it clearer that the item is waiting for payment. There are several options I'm working on for v2 that will improve that.

But if you hover over the £ symbol you will get the note for Awaiting Payment. :)
I think that the best way to show what is paid and what is not, is to link this button you show me "Awaiting Payment" linked to Paypal for the items in wait of payment.
Then if you want see more in details the transaction/s, you can open the "view transaction" like you show me here:

But the that button "Awaiting Payment" don't appear in my control panel for the items not paid.

Also the idea to send a message for the item in wait of payment you say is a good idea.

But my problem now is that is not visible that very important button "Awaiting Payment"
And also the message of the "item sold" must arrive after the real payment. ;)
Before can arrive a message that say to you that you have an item awaiting for payment, or also can be simple listed in the control panel of the plugin.
And the block of the item before payment must be maybe of 24 hours and after the item if isn't paid in those hours, will come again active and available on the market for other users that want purchase it.
This can be helpful if you have 1 or 2 piece of one item
so if a user block the payment the item remain blocked to him until him will pay for it... ;)
But the that button "Awaiting Payment" don't appear in my control panel for the items not paid.

It's not a button, but is the text that appears when the mouse hovers over the '£' image. The View Transaction option takes you directly to the page you choose your payment method from if it's still not paid.

As mentioned previously, I'll update the system to refer to an item as not being paid for in the PM that is sent and we'll try and make it clearer for the user that the item is not paid.

With regards to the idea of automatically activating a listing after a set period of time, I'm not particularly comfortable with that. What happens if a user is making the payment when the system automatically relists the item? I need to think about the effect that might have on PayPal and also on the system we have in place for updating a listing. It might be possible to make a manual option to do that and perhaps offer the option to a seller in case they want to do that.

While I'm working on v2 I'll make a study of the matter to see what we can come up with. :)
I think that the write "Awaiting Payment" must be ALWAYS visible if an item isn't paid
and not only when I pass the mouse up "£".

So you can better monitor what is really sold and what not. ;)

The pm must arrive only to the buyers to say to him that the item not paid will be deleted in X hours from him cart, if him don't proceed with the payment.

And in the Classified control panel of the buyers must be wrote "item awaiting for payment" to better focal on this think and more of this the buyers will receive a pm or one email or better both, that say that the item is near to be deleted from him cart for the expired time for paying.

So I think that this 2 text:
"Awaiting Payment"
"Item Awaiting for Payment"

should be buttons and not only text. ;)

The "Awaiting Payment" button should be linked to "Contact the Buyers" link, only. ;) (if you want discuss about the payment or other things)

and the "Item Awaiting for Payment" button should have 2 option:
1) Pay the item
2) Contact seller (so him can contact the seller if there are problems for the late payment) :) ;)

So, when the buyers will have to make the payment, will go in the own cart before... obvious

and his cart will show what items are still active

and also the items expired deleted from the total payment (so you will not pay for them)
with a little message that show him that the item/s him had put in the cart is/are expired, so is/are not still in the cart, but is/are again listed to the market, so that the buyers can "buy it" again and pay for it.
In the end if you think no one give you anything if you don't pay before. :)

Also the CART buttons is really important but I' haven't see it in the plugin so if is possible to add also a big button for this I think will be more good and helpful. ;)
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Hi Mokonzi,
can you please see to release before is possible an update to correct all these things...
The firsts thing (and also the others) a say to you are much important to let work the mod correctly.
If not we have to answer to tons of email every day of sellers that don't found payments and ask to us how to do and what to do...
and this will create to us 2000 problems.
This fixes are really fundamental for this plugin.
So that is really necessary an update.
Hi Mokonzi,
can you please see to release before is possible an update to correct all these things...
The firsts thing (and also the others) a say to you are much important to let work the mod correctly.
If not we have to answer to tons of email every day of sellers that don't found payments and ask to us how to do and what to do...
and this will create to us 2000 problems.
This fixes are really fundamental for this plugin.
So that is really necessary an update.

We'll work on making it clearer that the payment still needs to be sent and see if we can get a release out before Version 2. I'll keep you posted. We won't be implementing any automatic relisting of items if the payment isn't completed within a specified period of time before Version 2. We will see what is the most practical and effective method to implement it that won't create further problems down the line. :)
Yes exactly.
These are the things guys, that really need of a quickly update to let the plugin work correctly... if not the plugin create really many issues..
So please know that I/we rest in wait to know some good news from you.

Have a nice day. :)
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