Bug Issue with VB credits

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I am having issues with Vb Credits Deluxe II.. I have configured it to allot 50 points to a new user for registering and 2 points every time the user starts a new thread...I verified the configuration to be fine...He should have received 50 as welcome points.. And 2 additional points as he has started a thread.. But his total points show up as - 6. could you please help

Hi Fillip H.
Could you help me with this please... I am unable to see the 50 points the user needs to have been credited on registration
I am having issues with Vb Credits Deluxe II.. I have configured it to allot 50 points to a new user for registering and 2 points every time the user starts a new thread...I verified the configuration to be fine...He should have received 50 as welcome points.. And 2 additional points as he has started a thread.. But his total points show up as - 6. could you please help

Could you please try disabling all other modifications and see if that resolves it, and also let me know whether you have email verification on for your forum or use any other modifications that interfere with registration.

Hi Fillip H.
Could you help me with this please... I am unable to see the 50 points the user needs to have been credited on registration
You posted your thread at 4:16 AM. Please try to be considerate of other time zones. Thank you.
Apologies.. I was using tapatalk so wasn't t sure if my thread was getting displayed as I saw only 1 view.... Apologies once again..
Could you please try disabling all other modifications and see if that resolves it, and also let me know whether you have email verification on for your forum or use any other modifications that interfere with registration..

I Capture.PNG

I donot have any email verification system enabled in my forum. Pls find the screenshot attached.
Could you please create and PM me with a temporary FTP and AdminCP account?

For security reasons, we recommend you create a new FTP account only for DBTech support, then disable or delete it after we have both confirmed the issue has been solved and there are no further issues.

The same applies to AdminCP accounts; they should ideally be temporary accounts created for us only. If we have created an account on your site already, you can optionally boost that account to Administrator and then de-admin this account once the issue has been solved.

If you use a .htaccess password protection for your AdminCP directory, it is recommended that you create a new authorised user for DBTech and remove this user once the issue has been solved.

Please test any temporary accounts you create to ensure that the FTP account has access to the forum files, and that the AdminCP account can access the administrative controls for the product we are assisting you with.

Ensuring this is all in order before submitting the information will significantly speed up the process of assisting you. We will alert you via PM if there's any issues with the login information you have provided.

When sending the PM, for your security you should also un-tick the "Save a copy in my Sent Items folder" checkbox. When the access details have been received, we will delete the PM from our inbox. Ensuring you have not kept a copy of the PM reduces the risk of security breaches.

Thank you for helping us debug our products and allowing us to assist you, we appreciate it :D
I'll post back when I have more information for you, unfortunately this is not an easy thing to debug so it's going to take longer than normal to look into it, sorry :(
The problem is the vBSSO product. I've left it disabled on your site so you can test it to confirm that it is indeed a conflict with that product.
Yes it seems to be a conflict with vbsso.. Now I see 50 points.. Is there any way I could have both the plug-ins? Help pls
Unfortunately we cannot guarantee compatibility with 3rd party products if they are using unorthodox or unsupported coding techniques. You will need to contact the support team for vBSSO and get them to tell you what they are doing that prevents the userdata_postsave hook from being executed correctly on new user registration.
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Legacy vBCredits II Deluxe

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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