Question How do i make vbavatars appears on my forum?

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Hi guys,

I've installed this product, uploaded everything on ftp, followed each step carefully, installed xml.


But after that i went to my forum and nothing appears, there is no avatar product and boddies to choose, it doesn't appear on my navtab.

How i activate it?
Did you configure usergroup permissions for Can View vBAvatar (I believe that's what the setting's called)?
You were right, i missed the part to activate the mod per usergroup, i did for administrator (me) but after back to my forum again it shows nothing :/

I even couldn't find on "community" or "quick links"
Can you please PM me with an FTP account and an AdminCP account? If so, I should be able to solve this :)
Ok i've sent a pm to you.

Could you please replace the avatar image over the avatar picture image? it is like in your postbit, you have 2 pictures, i would like just one on my postbit, that one would be from vbavatar :)
The error on-site was due to the fact that the navbar template was not a vBulletin 4.2.x compatible format.
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Legacy vBAvatars

vBulletin 4.x.x
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