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ok when i select the "Use vBavatars" as my avatar thing i get a vBulletin message saying "Imageinfo Failed:" now i don't think it is a bug because what i've done is i'm in the process of deleting all the pre-set stuff so at the moment i have deleted the male and female images and added my own called male.png and female.png i've also deleted the nose folder and catagory since i don't need them with what i'm using it for. could this be the cause of my problem?
ok re-named everything back to how it was and still getting that message. you'll be sick of me ruining your mod soon :P
Did the mod work before you started tinkering with the images?

That message means that vB couldn't read the properties of the image, so it's possible your custom images are incompatible with this mod and corrupted the final image.

Go to the /dbtech/avatar/images/avatars folder and try opening the image that has your userid.
the only file in that directory is index.php the images i'm using are .png files so i assumed they would work unless theres dimension restrictions? my dimensions are 120x150px

attached is what one of my characters looks like with all the gear on if it were to work.


  • sephiroth set.png
    sephiroth set.png
    19 KB · Views: 14
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The folder I pointed you to should never contain any PHP files, only an index.html file.

If it doesn't contain any images after you clicked Save Avatar then it would appear as if your custom images are incompatible.

Please try using 150x200 images and set your usergroups up to allow only 120x150. vBAvatar images should then be resized when you click Save without impacting the mod.
currently my avatar max is 150x150. i'll try out what ya said, maybe this could be fixed in future versions so that we can define the avatar sizes so it avoids this problem?

and i ment to put index.html aha i have a habit of putting .php after everything my bad.

is there a way i can possible edit the files so that my images become compatible? if so which file and what should i edit?

EDIT: I re-sized my images to be 200x150 and still no luck, i still get that message, could it have anything to do with the way its CHMODed

EDIT 2: I logged in as one of my test users and i get a different message which just says "Invalid file"
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It would be pointless until we can ascertain whether it's the dimensions or the images themselves that are incompatible.
That's an alternative error for users that don't have admin perms. It means the same as the previous error.

Did you chmod /dbtech/avatars/images/avatars to something other than 0777?

EDIT: The dimensions are 150x200 (WxH), not 200x150.
Avatars folder is set to 777 CHMOD i followed the instructions to the letter. still getting that error even with 200 height x 150 width even when my group perms are set to 200 height x 150 width.

wanna take a look? if so i'll PM you ftp access and admin access.
In that case the problem seems to be that your source images are not created properly.

Are you using the same style of transparent .png's as vBAvatars uses by default, with direct overlay capabilities?
i wouldn't be able to tell you that, my images are transparent but not sure about overlay capabilities, i'm using photoshop and just saving them as default photoshop .png file so perhaps not?

i get two options when i save a png: none or interlaced, i've tried both and i still get that error. so not sure if it is my images or what aha, one of lifes many mysteries it would appear.
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Can you turn on PHP's error logging to file then try saving an image? If there's a PHP error being hidden by the image generation process then it should appear there :)
i'm not sure how to do that and i don't think i'm able to but i've texted my mate who owns the site with me and he should be able to do it and i'll let you know the results after i've done some testing with it. I'm tempted to try re-uploading the whole mod again just for the hell of it incase something didn't upload correctly.

My friend also doesn't know where to turn on php logging, where would i go to turn it on?

edit: i found it, i'll post the log in a few moments once i've uploaded an image.

ok i set the logging file to forums.errorlog.txt and tried to select the vbavatars to get that error again, but the text file remains empty so i assume either i've set it up wrongly or there was no errors.

EDIT: Ok i had a play around and i managed to get it working, ok what it is was i was going to settings then edit avatar and clicking use vbavatars having not gone to /forums/avatars.php first and made one, i thought that using that options would direct you to the editing your avatar but it doesn't, maybe you could add that in future versions so that its not confusing, my stuff seems to work now but the only issue was what you mentioned about the pre-defined dimensions, i get a nice black background where my PNGs don't reach the dimensions, (see screenshot) but at the moment i'm not too bothered as i'm just playing around, i'll wait till thats been fixed before i go live with it.

also i found a problem with the mod on view profile (well i consider it to be a problem at least) see screenie:


  • avscreenie.png
    306.4 KB · Views: 2
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Yeah, all the files do need to be uploaded to your forum directory, that's also in the readme.txt file :)

This mod does not modify the placement of the avatar in user profiles. The arrow you're pointing towards is the location of the Profile Picture, which is different from the Avatar :)
Ahh i see, also i noticed that if i create more catagories than the original ones the items in those catagories do not show up in the preview box when selecting the desired item, for example i've added a catagory called "hands" where i want to add gloves and weapons to my avatar but when i select the gloves i've uploaded the preview waterwark shows up but the image isn't shown anywhere, does the order of display in the AdminCP have any effect on which layer the image is placed?
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