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Former Developer
Welcome to the closed beta testing program for vBArcade v2. The main new feature for v2 is Tournament functionality, however there are some unrelated special features you'll get to play with in the near future.

There is a separate thread I am posting the actual zip file for you to download and install from. Updates will be frequent - sometimes more than once a day - so keep an eye on it and please stay up to date.
The v2 is not entirely complete as of this post, though it should not be in a state that will harm your forum, and of course bugs are probable. I will fill in parts quickly.

If you ever have an issue or suggestion, create a new thread in this forum and fill out a tracking report like normal.
Don't take it personally if I have reasons for doing things a certain way, keep 'em coming - plus I'm still persuadable if you think I'm an idiot :)

As you are all pro owners of vBArcade already (and the majority of the v2 features will be for the pro version), we thank you for your continued support and hope you enjoy this early access and high priority feature requesting :)

Please use this thread for general discussion and simple questions. Also, please try to be civil to each other like a normal forum :D
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installed and running my first tourny now.

I wasn't sure how the invites work so i invited an amount of people i would think it took to get the 8 people playing...funny thing is it takes the first 8 names and my own name was last lmao so I wont be part of that tourny....too funny

I'm giving my members a chance to get contributor status to get them interested to play ;)

i'll be running a bunch in a row and will report what members and I think while having fun playing games :)
As mentioned in the release thread, the middle part is missing :p I'm still working on it, it will be ready soon.

I decided to let admins over-invite users, so that some people who ignore the invite have some alternates.
I couldnt work out the tournaments when I set this up, then I spotted the invite in adminCP, once set I get a new notification, hover and clicking the link shows this url : arcade.php?do=tourns .. page refreshes back to acracde with my notification still pending, have I missed something?
For right now, the middle part is missing, for accepting invites :D so, edit the tournament in the admincp and use the confirm all and begin to start the tournament, then the manage tournament page will give you the link to View it
Gotcha, is this correct? I used the link in admincp (View) to play the tourney myself then passed the link 'arcade.php?tourn=1' to another member to play also.

Other than that there is no viewable or clickable tourney to get into besides the passing the link in admin ie tourne=x etc..

[Edit] lol @ You are merely a spectator of this tournament << sent link to another member to see what the see, nice :)
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All of your members can play simultaneously, you dont need to pass it after you are done :p

And yeah, getting the middle part in there is my top priority.
Sorry for the lack of update, some vb42 navtab stuff was grabbing my attention.

I am almost done with the next revision, which adds in the second half thats missing: the public tournament listing, with the ability to confirm/decline invitations and join open tournaments, plus 2-player challenges
Should be in today or tomorrow, but at least giving you guys a chance to focus on the logic of the tournaments themselves, which is highly needed :D thanks.
Sorry for being a little slow.I just want to make sure I'm not missing anything or doing something wrong..

1. Set up tournament eg: Group Mode select attempts and invite members.
2. That sends out notification matchcount (1) which takes them to the tournament page were they confirm entry.
3. Once everyone is confirmed and I manually begin the tourney in admincp tourneys that sends out another notification matchcount (2) which again takes them to the tourney page were they can hit the play button.
4. That then sends another notification matchcount (1) which remains until the users games are complete.

Am I right in saying that we still have to start the tourney manually even though all have confirmed.And does matchcount (2) only get posted once the tourney has been manually started.

Just want to make sure I'm on the same wavelength with everyone..

1) Set up tournament. You can optionally invite members, or set usergroup restriction on them.
- Using Confirm All & Begin will bypass the rest of the steps and immediately assume everyone is confirmed, otherwise -

2) Users who were invited get a matchcount (MC+) to visit the tournaments page, to confirm/deny (MC-).
- Users not invited can Join if there is space and they meet the usergroup requirement you set.
- Users who either joined or confirmed may quit the tournament if it hasnt started yet - but can rejoin.

3) Tournament begins when a) it's a knockout tournament and the required amount of players for the number of rounds selected has confirmed b) its a group tournament originally set in the future, that has at least 2 players upon that date/time c) manually using Confirm All & Begin

4) Throughout the tournament, for every match that is created with an opponent, users gets a notification (MC+) that is removed upon the first score attempt (MC-)
- MC's still take you to the tournaments page, because you might have more than one, and it will give Play links
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Setting to disallow "practicing" (that is, you cant play a game outside of a tournament, if you belong to a pending/active tournament for that game - and get redirected to it instead).

You added it,can't believe it..woohoo..
4) Throughout the tournament, for every match that is created with an opponent, users gets a notification (MC+) that is removed upon the first score attempt (MC-)
- MC's still take you to the tournaments page, because you might have more than one, and it will give Play links

I'm getting a little problem,not a bug..It's really down to users not reading the tournament set-up properly and basically just jumping in and playing the game..And it's happening quite regularly..They go back to the forums after playing the first attempt not realizing they still another attempt left,because then obviously first score has been submitted (MC) disappears.They think they have completed the tourney.I'm trying to educate them as (MC) is your current tournament requests..Not the tourneys they are already active in..

Now would it possible to have (MC) remain until they have completed the tournaments..
I've thought about it, and I don't want to make one notification persist per the whole tournament, for several reasons.

It's to let them know they actually have something to do, ie a confirmation, or a match. If they don't use up all of their attempts and let time run out on it, that's fine. It also keeps track of multiple matches in a group tournament.

If it persisted, then for the times when you are waiting on an opponent to finish or join your match, you would never actually know when you were paired up and NOW have a time limit to participate in that match.

Plus, it is hard to determine if someone is officially out of the tournament or just waiting for an opponent, without processing all of the matches in that tournament, which is computationally too much to do outside of that tournament, ie the global notifications. So it would still show you the notification even after you lost the tournament, but the tournament is still going.

Basically, making it persist would be even more confusing than what you consider a problem right now. When the notification goes away, your players are right in thinking that they don't have to do anything else, because it's true! One score per match is the minimum required to avoid forfeit. They will just get a new notification when there is something else that needs their attention.
Yeah,I can now see were your thoughts have gone with this,and things become clearer more and more after a little chat..Sometimes I miss the obvious instead of going with the flow..Must be my age..:confused:

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