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Former Developer
Welcome to the closed beta testing program for DragonByte Forum Tabs. This thread should help us keep track of what needs testing.

#DFT is still in the early beta stage. We have worked out a number of initial bugs and issues with functionality, but there will no doubt be others during this process, though the modification is stable enough to be on a live site.

I would strongly suggest that you install this first on a test site to become familiar with the setup and how you want to organize things before you install it on your live site. I would also suggest backing up your data before each and every update just in case something goes wrong during the upgrade process.

Updates will appear here regularly (downloads and links will be in a separate stickied thread) and I'll get updates out as soon as I can (or instructions on hot fixes if necessary). Working for DBT is a part time job for me and I have a secular work which means I may not be able to produce an update every day, though I will try to do so on bug fixes wherever I can.

Suggestions and ideas are welcome, but please (along with bug reports) fill out a separate thread for each item or suggestion or bug so that we can keep track of things. The forum will ask for the same information as elsewhere in the site, so please pay attention to filling in those details as thoroughly as possible to allow me to track the cause of bugs as quickly as possible.

Please use this thread for general discussion and simple questions.

Enjoy testing and thank you again for being prepared to help out.
Hey there, thanks for the opportunity for letting us test this awesome product.
I will setup a new test site tonight and then start testing this out, will also try this with few custom templates.
Cool. Moved the post to this thread for now so I can keep the beta thread free for instructions. Custom templates are where there will likely be issues. Thanks again for helping out. :)
Just a heads up on things. I've almost completed beta 2. I hope I can get it installed and uploaded to DBTech later in the day, but as I've got family coming to stay for a few days it may not be possible. If I can't upload today, will aim for tomorrow morning. :)
Looking like it will be the morning... my visitors arrived before I could ensure the upgrade would work properly... :S
Does the styling work when set on a category tab?

Yes.But not sure about the "more" button catagories need to test that some..

Do tabs load correctly? Do categories tabs load the right tabs?


Do permissions work correctly for both categories and tabs?

I'm on my test board so maybe someone who is running it live, may like to answer this..

Is the styling consistent generally (I have noticed there may be some issues with positioning in the images when a text and image is displayed in some styles)?

Catagory image + text need spacing,default theme using firefox..

Catagory tab spacing.jpg

There are a number of features likely to be included, including an idling time for the refresh mod. Note the refresh mod works in seconds, we have it set to 300 here (5 minutes).

Well it maybe the board,but the refresh is around 60 secs at the minute..
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Ok, I'm officially confused, Ive favourite'd 4 forums but when I hit the favourite tab I see every forum, the only difference there is an 'x' on my favourite forums. I dont get it!
I'm pretty sure this is what I reported in another thread. I think it has something to do with the cache. Try going to your user profile, then view your favorites settings from there. Then go back to the forums list and check the favorites tab. After I did that, it seemed to of cleared whatever cache and things were working ok. Not sure if it's a browser cache issue or not though.
Ok, I'm officially confused, Ive favourite'd 4 forums but when I hit the favourite tab I see every forum, the only difference there is an 'x' on my favourite forums. I dont get it!

Is that here or on your forums? Is it displaying the selected tab as Favourites? I'd suggest clearing your cache if you use any caching system (flush cache in vBOptimize). The Repair Cache feature doesn't work at the moment, but I also don't think that would fix the problem if it did.

Once cleared of your forum favourites, can you reproduce the problem again?
Yeah, Its on here, I cleared cache nothing, I clicked all the other different tabs and yet it shows ALL the forums still.

Now heres a new one, I went to settings > favourite and selected another forum to be added besides the 3 I already have and yup it saved but when I go back to the forumhome the 3 original still have an 'x' but the newly appointed one has nothing.
I think it's defaulting back to the first thing you visit as mine was my Favourites. I'll have a look at this in the morning. I hope it should just be a simple file fix.
Mokonzi I installed it, not sure what was fixed so can't say much other than I installed it. =) One thing I noticed is that when installing the XML it says "Updating Version", but the version is empty.
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