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If DBT keeps up the good work,

& once I'll be starting to catch up with my forum,

Then, I think that I'll need a 3th navbar row soon...
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I have thought about that for awhile, and will probably add it in the next version. Glad to see it on here as a Feature Request, so I don't forget. ;)
This might be a kind of add-on (not sure in how far that that is possible...):

The 3 navbar under each-other. (the red 1 , 2 & 3)
And the sub-navbar (the red * ) just underneath that & showing all necessary links in there... (I hope you know what I mean with that...)

(When you would fe click on vBQuiz, that the sub-nav (the red * ) changes to the propiate links (Add Quiz , Main , My Quizzes , Leaderboard , Hall Of Fame , FAQ)...
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Problem with the putting the tabs in the header it would require manual edits as far as I have been able to tell. But that has been requested as a feature, so I will look into it when I revisit the mod, probably won't be till after vB 4.2 as I hear they are going to add a tabs management system to it.
Yes, I know...I requested the header stuff before :p

In regards to the image I was referring to the second and third bar appearance
vB 4.2 as I hear they are going to add a tabs management system to it
Yeah, I heard that too !

I thought this would make it better then the possible vb default. :RpS_thumbsup:
This is now in the latest version for vB4.2 only, you can hav unlimited amount of navbars. :p
But that would be essentially re doing the navbar on the skin, and probably would break alot of custom ones, he coded the navbar specifically for each skin.
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