
  1. GoodApples

    Legacy Save / Store Status Updates

    What's on your mind? Save/Store status updates in profile...similar to the User Status & Moods mod.
  2. GoodApples

    Legacy Forum Sidebar

    I think it's great to have the permissions who can see the Forum Live Feed. Please add usergroup permissions who can view the Forum Sidebar. I do not wish to have non-registered users to view. I figure if they want to view it then they need to login. :)
  3. A

    Bug comments link (in feed preview) - links to random feed

    Hi again.. The comments link in the feed preview will link to the correct view comments page for the first two previews in the feed but after the first two, eg. clicking the 3rd, 10th, 20th.. etc comments link ( clicking the comments link in the 3rd, 10th, 20th feed preview) it directs to a...
  4. Alan_SP

    Legacy More Feed pages except first one, similar like more search results

    Now we have everything on one page and we have one page only. I think it could be good idea if we could define how many events are shown on first page and how many to be retrievable in total. For example, first (and every) page shows 20 events, but program could retrieve 100 events in total...
  5. F

    New forum with all the bells a whistles

    Hi guys, Im starting a new car forum (vB4) and would like to install the following mods. vBActivity & Awards Lite v2 vBShout v6 Advanced Thanks/Like The user Tagging InfoPanels Postbit Tabs Fast template inclusion Thread / Post Bookmarking User Status & Moods v1 User Spotlight v1 Forum...
  6. Glen Green

    Bug forum block not showing

    Not exactly a bug with the product, but when I enable the everywhere sidebar mod, the live feed forum block dosent show up, and like the idea of being able to change status no matter which page our users are on.
  7. J

    Bug MySQL Error

    Out of the blue began receiving the following MySQL error: Database error in vBulletin 4.1.10: Invalid SQL: SELECT pointslog.*, user.* , avatar.avatarpath, NOT ISNULL(customavatar.userid) AS hascustomavatar, customavatar.dateline AS...
  8. GoodApples

    Legacy Image and Video: Status: What's on your mind?

    There are already hints of this in other post but wanted to make it an official request. Insert Image and Insert Video for Status Again work with Status and Moods. Keep it interactive. :)
  9. GoodApples

    Legacy Status What's on your Mind? Status & Moods

    Live Wall Status: What's on your Mind? & Status & Moods working together and not separate. Let it be interactive. :)
  10. cykelmyggen

    Forum Live Feed & User Wall - for vBCMS?

    Hi Is it possible to run Forum Live Feed & User Wall on vBCMS as widget or is it only for Forum Block?
  11. Markus79

    Legacy Parse Video and Image bbcode

    Hi, it would be nice if we can post videos and images at the stream. I asked this question at vbulletin.org and Fillip answer this: vBulletin.org Forum - View Single Post - [DBTech] Forum Live Feed & User Wall [AJAX] (vB4) will get removed and the start tag will be left in place. Hopefully...
  12. T

    Legacy Live feed additional data sources

    Any chance of getting a content type added for photopost vbgallery and vba dynamics? I would gladly buy the pro version for those features alone.
  13. Markus79

    Legacy Live Feed & User Wall Sideblock

    Hey, at first time let me say, that this is a great Addon. I have some suggestion for this addon. Statusupdate from forumhome. I saw in the template dbtech_livewall_block_entries and put the textarea in the block template. It works fine and user use that but they don't want look everytime to...
  14. Markus79

    Live Feed & User Wall Sideblock

    Hey, at first time let me say, that this is a great Addon. I have some suggestion for this addon. Statusupdate from forumhome. I saw in the template dbtech_livewall_block_entries and put the textarea in the block template. It works fine and user use that but they don't want look everytime to...
  15. Glen Green

    Legacy Live wall Arcade scores

    Noticed that the arcade feed to the wall and forum block are just posting times, and not actual scores. Also little request if possible, would like to decide what things get posted to wall and forum block seperately, I like the arcade scores being shown on users wall, but dont really want it...
  16. GoodApples

    Legacy Live Forum Feed Block - Usergroup Permissions

    Live Forum Feed Block - Usergroup Permissions Can View
  17. GoodApples

    Legacy Status Multiple-Line Text Box & Image, Video and Emotions

    See Here Single-Line Text to Multiple-Line Text Box Request to have this option. The option to have a Image/Picture , Video and Emotions would be cool too. :) Edit: I noticed currently the textbox is a different length depending on the length of the message. Maybe this could be addressed...
  18. GoodApples

    Bug Comment

    I seem to be missing this part?
  19. F

    Bug About user permission to shout

    This a clear example about what is happening recently. When i had beta 6.0.3 everything was fine then i've installed the latest version which is not beta. I have usergroup member, i want this usergroup can see the shoutbox but can't shout... alright i went to chat instance and set permissions...
  20. T

    Live Feed of Threads

    I was wondering if I could see a live demo of the Facebook-like live feed mod. Also I was wondering if it would work as a module on the vBCMS just as a constant live stream of threads? Thanks guys, great mods.