amazon s3

  1. bzcomputers

    Question CDN Integration Options?

    Could you post a screenshot or explain the CDN options currently available in the Pro version? Will the "custom CDN" option mentioned on the product page allow for compatibility with any CDN?
  2. pcam

    Question CDN with amazon s3 is not working for me

    I found a similar thread, but a bit different so I've opened this thread. I'm unable to sync into the s3 bucket. S3::putObject(): [PermanentRedirect] The bucket you are attempting to access must be addressed using the specified endpoint. Please send all future requests to this endpoint...
  3. fly

    Question Using Amazon S3 for styles doesn't work

    So I decided to try and use S3 on my site today. I enabled the bucket, added all the pertinent info, and had vbO copy all the proper files into the new bucket. Everything is fully synced. Now, when I turn on the CDN, the styles get all screwed up with white background. It doesn't seem like...
  4. J

    Bug AWS domain name quesiton and post without an icon bug.

    Hi, When I'm trying to integrate the CDN, images are hosted as I'd like to be able to use cloudfront, which runs off the bucket name: is there an easy way to do this? Second, When a post does not have a post icon...
  5. W

    Question Is there a way to use Amazon S3 API on non-Amazon service?

    As the question says, I'm looking to try using a cloud service my host offers that says it is compatible with the Amazon S3 API. Is this possible? Is there a URL or something I can edit that would let it work? Here is what I'm hoping to try out: Cloud Storage | | DreamHost DreamObjects Overview...
  6. T

    Legacy CDN Support

    I would very much like to see support for at least one CDN for pictures to be stored on. Currently my small photo site has over 11k images which take up 2.5gb of space. It would be perfect if I could connect the upload mechanism to Amazon S3 (see the beta of vbOptimise) and/or define a prefix...
  7. A

    A few requests for vboptimize [paid]

    I'd like to see vb optimize have as many features as W3 Total Cache for Wordpress. Check out the features it has (there is a huge fricken list in the wordpress admin panel after you install this thing :eek: ) Benefits: At least 10x improvement in site performance (when fully configured...
  8. M

    Bug Error when setting up Amazon S3 CDN in Beta 3

    Hi - I've just installed the vbo3 beta but I'm having problems setting up CDN. I have all the details correct, but I get the following error when clicking continue: Please help - I've just moved all my images from my manual CDN setup and reverted all paths, so they are now being served off my...
  9. T

    Question Safe mode or base dir problem

    Hello, The new version (BETA) of VBOptimise CDN can't be run in safe mode or if base dir on. Warning: curl_setopt_array() [function.curl-setopt-array]: CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when safe_mode is enabled or an open_basedir is set in [path]/vboptimise/cdn/amazon_s3/cdn.php on...
  10. T

    Syncing images for vbGallery on CDN

    I recently synced the files uploaded in an install of vbGallery to Amazon S3 using vbOptimize. There's a couple issues that I found: Images have to be synced manually to keep photos in the gallery updated on the cdn Images are exist on the cdn and file server unless you manually delete the...
  11. S

    Anyone else getting "random" page lockups after using the v3 Beta of Optimise?

    Anyone else getting "random" page lockups after using the v3 Beta of Optimise? It seems my forums now occasionally lock up my browser. I don't know of anyway to log or pinpoint what happens (I can't open firebug as the browser is completely locked), but the only change I've made to the forums...
  12. Big-Pete

    Need a bit of help with Amazon S3 settings if poss

    I've been using the Beta with CDN since release and after a few problems im now able to use Rackspace and remote server ok, the only problems i've had have been with Amazon S3, Deceptor:cool: has been a great help, But Now i just need someone to go through the process of how to set up a bucket...
  13. T

    Stylesheet is blank when CDN support is turned on (beta)

    This is with version 3.8 on Amazon S3. The stylesheet path is blank when I have CDN support turned on. This is probably because I changed from @import to <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=" Is there anything I can do to fix this?