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  • Users: Webbstre
  • Content: Threads
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  1. W

    Question Force HTTPS

    Hey all, just finally converting my own vbulletin 4 site to https and I was wondering if there is an easy way to redirect from http to https using dragonbyte seo. Thanks!
  2. W

    Question Rewrite Rules Question

    Hello! It's been a while and I'm finally installing this product. I've got almost everything working fine, but I'm having trouble with a single Custom Rewrite Rule. It's like this: Right now this works: '^showwiki\.php$' => 'wiki/' but I'd also like to extend the links that look like...
  3. W

    Question CDN Integration?

    Hello! It's been a while, but I was curious to know if there's a way to integrate some of the CDN options in vbOptimise with vbDownloads as well? I'm looking to potentially move my database of files onto a Windows Azure server and was pleasantly surprised to find this was an option in vbOptimise.
  4. W

    Legacy Error: Filetype not allowed

    I recently had a server move, at which point I updated to the latest vbDownloads and vbulletin 4 version. Now I've discovered that my copy of vbDownloads won't allow zip uploads, despite having all the settings right (folder location, extension settings) and server settings (uploads are allowed...
  5. W

    Support Ticket Disappeared?

    I tried to post a support ticket a few days ago, but there has been no response and now I can't find the ticket anymore. What should I do? For some specifics: I want to know the process for giving away all of the licenses from one of my sites to a new person. I'm not selling them, simply just...
  6. W

    Bug Character Problem with the DownloadsII Import Script

    Howdy! Here are some problems with the Import script, as it is now. Here we go! 1- If a file uses a weird or foreign language character the following type of error appears during the import process: As you can see the little clover symbol someone snuck into their File title in the vbDownloads...
  7. W

    Question How Do I Import from DownloadsII?

    Hi! So after a very long wait I decided to try the Import from DownloadsII utility again. It's literally been at least a year and a half since I last tried it. I set up my test domain as a copy of my live site so I can safely test it. However, whenever I click the "Import Utility" link in the...
  8. W

    Legacy Clean Unused Files

    Hello! Today I have a request for what I HOPE is a simple feature: a button to clean up all unattached files from the server's hard drive. I host a lot of game mods, and when a newer version of those mods comes out they remove the file from the listing... but it still remains taking up space on...
  9. W

    vBulletin 5 Versions coming?

    Hello! I'm curious if there will be a vb5 version of the Dragonbyte MMO theme and vbDownloads any time soon. I'd like to avoid buying vbDownloads 1.5 times if I can buy it just once for vb5.
  10. W

    Anyone with experience with Sparknode?

    My Experiences With Sparknode (retitled) Hey all! It's that time of the year when I get annoyed with my host and start looking at alternatives. Long story short: I'm at Dreamhost, and I feel like they've gone downhill in recent history, and that combined with my slow decline in traffic means my...
  11. W

    Bug Fetch Cache: Completed Succesfully with an X instead of a Check

    Hello! I'm having a bit of weirdness when I run my System Test for vbO. Everything says "Test Completed Successfully" but next to Fetch Cache it has a big red X. I'm not sure if this means it is working and there is a bug or it's not working and it's a different bug. My other website is running...
  12. W

    Legacy Thumbnails As Thumbnails

    Hi! So, a user pointed out to me today that because people are uploading screenshots, and those screenshots are loading as the thumbnails, the listings themselves are loading tons of FULL screenshots. For example, this page loads about 13 MB of screenshots just for users to browse a single page...
  13. W

    Legacy How Do I Remove Images from File Counts?

    Woohoo, a post in here that isn't a bug! ;) Today I'd like to ask how to make it so the file counts within the system ignore image/screenshot files. It's confusing for people to see "4 files" next to a listing and then only have one available for download, but it makes the counters seem...
  14. W

    Bug Every Category uses the same two extension groups

    Guess who? Another day, another glaring problem to fix. Now, for some reason, I've just noticed that despite having different extensions for different categories in the settings, EVERY category is only allowing two extension groups, regardless of the settings. I have one for Images and one for...
  15. W

    Bug Error When Attempting to Download All Files as Zip

    I recently tried enabling the download all files button, but any time anyone clicks it it simply goes through the usual download delay page (where I've stuck an ad) and then loads a blank white page with the following text: I'm disabling the option for now, and I'll be sending you the site...
  16. W

    Bug vbDownloads Sidebar Block Cache Setting

    Ok, so I'm not sure if this is a bug or needs to be a feature request, but I'm getting reports that the Recent Files and Top Downloads are not updating properly from users. Perhaps an option in the settings for how long to cache the sidebar blocks for? Thanks in advance.
  17. W

    Bug Upload Buttons and Pages Problems

    This feature request is mixed, either a two-for-one or a one-fix-for-two-problems. The explanation is problem best broken into smaller problems: Problem 1: Users who have the ability to upload files in the database see the upload button on every page other than the base vbdownloads.php page...
  18. W

    Bug Unregistered User Uploaded a File, Entry is Broken

    Ok, here's an unusual case. I have uploads for unregistered users COMPLETELY turned off in my vbDownloads database. However, today an Unregistered user apparently uploaded a file. It generated a Comments thread (here) and apparently is located at this URL in the database. It does not show up in...
  19. W

    Bug Download Delay Causing Occasional SQL error for Unregistered Users

    Hi again! I pushed 2.01 to my live site today and it went great! ... except for a couple errors. After I deleted the listings.php file that caused one set of errors I ended up with just a couple of new errors involving unregistered users and the download delay producing an advertisement. Here...
  20. W

    Bug Can't Install Latest Beta

    Ok, after a bunch of computer troubles and getting things reinstalled, then trying to get my test domain finally set up, I attempted to install beta 3 onto my test forum, which is an exact replica of my live forum. Unfortunately, very quickly into uploading the XML into the product manager...