Bug vbForms makes field required which is set to not be required

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I am using vbForms and created a category with a question of type "url".
This question was set to "Not being required".

If I now fill out the page and leave the url field empty vbForms always reports an error that this field is mandatory.

Seems to be a bug in the actual version. I did not test if this happens with other types but with the type URL it definetly happens.

Another small bug:

Tried to enter link "http://www.yoast.com/wordpress/seo/#utm_source=wpadmin&utm_medium=plugin&utm_campaign=wpseoplugin" into the URL field.
vBForms then says that info is missing. This is a valid link but vbForms does not accept it as such.

I am using vbForms and created a category with a question of type "url".
This question was set to "Not being required".

If I now fill out the page and leave the url field empty vbForms always reports an error that this field is mandatory.

Seems to be a bug in the actual version. I did not test if this happens with other types but with the type URL it definetly happens.

That will be fixed in the next update :)

Another small bug:

Tried to enter link "http://www.yoast.com/wordpress/seo/#utm_source=wpadmin&utm_medium=plugin&utm_campaign=wpseoplugin" into the URL field.
vBForms then says that info is missing. This is a valid link but vbForms does not accept it as such.
I don't believe hash tag is a valid URL parameter setup.

You can use the Free data type and instead enter your own regexp to validate URLs if you require non-standard URLs to pass validation :)
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