Legacy Would like more options for positioning the Thanks and Like buttons

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I used to have these buttons on the bottom right of the postbit on my VB3 board, although maybe I positioned them there manually somehow. It would be great to have the choice of more locations in this VB4 Pro version.
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Have you tried turning on the Integrated Buttons setting in vBOptions? That might be what you're thinking of :)
Yes I have the integrated button setting turned on but I would like everything to be right-aligned not left-aligned. I will try to edit some templates to set this up manually. If anyone happens to read this: is there a hook I can place in the template where I want it? If so what would that be? Thanks.

Have you tried turning on the Integrated Buttons setting in vBOptions? That might be what you're thinking of :)
dbtech_thanks_postbit_entries_actions is the template that covers the action buttons :)
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