Read the post there, I'd be more concerned about what's under the hood than how it looks. Is it a "REAL" new core, or is it just they coded on top of vB4 core, etc.

Hopefully they do something worth a damn to be honest, even though I don't use vB, I like to see competition and a good product on all fronts.
and saying we're just at vB4.2.0 ... and they are already speaking of vB5?
I hope they will fix a lot of things before it comes out, and that they have learned on some things from the past...
vB5 has been in development for quite some time, and has been mentioned as such on

Looking at the screens, the one that interests me the most is the front-end "back-end" (from what it looks like).


If this operates how I think it does, it'll work similar to Concrete5, in which case the admin can click on any page (somewhere from the top) and move content around, add new "widgets", remove widgets, etc., all from the front end. It is actually pretty slick, and gives a person a real time feel of how a page is going to look with all the content right there (not like the layout manager for the CMS now). Add, if it works similarly, every page has the ability to be completely different. You would be able to assign a grid/layout to a page, which will give you the basic framework of the page, but then you can place items wherever you want on the page.
and saying we're just at vB4.2.0 ... and they are already speaking of vB5?
I hope they will fix a lot of things before it comes out, and that they have learned on some things from the past...

They could go straight to vb5 from vb4.2 if they think 4.2 is right as it stands,and as soon as it's ready to roll we'll probably see that..But I can't see the upgrade being cheap.
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This feels like a better place to discuss my feelings on it as they are right now:

I've only been on vbulletin since 4.0 came out. It was HELL trying to convert wordpress/phpbb/mediawiki/drupal (drupal for my file sharing database) all over to a single platform... but it was worth it. I've got everything running under vbulletin and even just picked up this fancy new theme from dragonbyte. However, while working on that massive website conversion (I started in February of 2010 and switched over in August of that year) I watched a lot of people running mods under vbulletin 3.x who were waiting or having to use half-assed solutions to convert their sites, or be forced to stick with outdated software. Even larger modifications, like vbseo appeared to take a very long time to update.

Since then, I've seen things like that Xenforo thing pop up, and lots of modification developers jumping ship (or claim they are) and some working on both (like dbtech and the makers of vaultwiki). I've also seen times like this latest 4.2 release of vbulletin where one MAJOR change was implemented to screw up a lot of modifications without an apparent reason for it (the vbulletin navbar system annoys the crap out of me, before and after the update).

My biggest worry now, if vbulletin really is going to release 5.0 by the end of the year, is what will happen with my site. Will there ever be a 4.3, 4.4, etc for vbulletin? Fortunately most of my modifications are from dbtech, with the main exceptions being DownloadsII, Vaultwiki and vbseo, but I'm already worried about having to do another ridiculously large update. I wasn't around for the 3.x to 4.0 switch, so did most paid modifications require paying for new versions?.

Mostly, I feel like I don't want to have to do another big project so soon. I can predict what would happen if I tried to update: I would break all my caching, many URLs would have to change, I'd lose some functionality somewhere and have new functionality elsewhere that no one knows how to use yet.

Oh, and the whole "modules" thing mentioned in those screenshots, they remind me TOO MUCH of drupal. I never want to touch drupal again. Drupal can die and go get lost in the interwebs forever. :(

Anyone else less than happy about this vbulletin 5 announcement?
You always have the option not to upgrade.Its nice to see vb moving forward beyond what we have become accustom too.

Personally I don't see much more being done too vb4.2 now vb5 is nearing release.I think the devs here are more qualified to answer what consequencies having a new core would mean we're mods are concerned.
I sorta agree with skol I just dont see them with to much more being done with VB 4.2 ..they will continue with it probably right up to the release of VB5 and when that goes gold that is where VB4.2 will at most we might see VB4.2.1 or VB4.2.3 depending on how they number the versions..And after that VB 4.2 will become like VB3.X..I could be wrong but with all the negativity they have received over VB 4X over the years and with all the releases they have been doing I sorta get the idea they are in a hurry to bury it so to speak.
Pretty sure there will be a 4.3.x, based on comments from Paul M. There were some additional features that weren't ready when 4.2 got released, and with their new (old?) numbering requirements, those features will be released in 4.3 when they are ready. We will most likely see 4.2.1 and maybe 4.2.2, and then 4.3.0.

And yes, just because v5 is released doesn't mean you have to upgrade. And it will be much simpler to go from vB to vB because the upgrade script will take care of most of it. It really shouldn't be any different than going from 4.1.12 to 4.2. At least, in theory...

Brad via Tapatalk
For a forum that runs no addons or doesn't run any bad addons, an upgrade is ridiculously simple. Even vB3 -> vB4.1.12 was a breeze on a forum with close to 1m posts. The style updater was also a real champ, it made something that was actually usable until some proper skins were sorted.

Both myself and Cosmic were actually quite surprised at how good of a job it did, and speaking as a coder I was even more shocked xD

That's their new script though, the one with the progress bars. I can't speak for vB3 -> vB4 upgrades before that time, as I've never attempted it :)

But I don't believe they will balls it up for vB5's upgrader, they have a solid upgrade script that works like the champ of champs.

Addons, on the other hand... If they are going with an MVC structure like xF then that will mean a loooot of time required to update addons. The reason why xF is barren compared to vB is not only the amount of people, but also because it's a bit hard to learn even for established coders like myself. But like most challenges in life, once you're over that initial hill it gradually becomes easier.

If nothing else, switching cores will weed out some bad coders :p I just hope that doesn't include me :(
It does look interesting, but as those are mockups (not screenshots) and we've seen such things before when vB4 was first released and we got an entirely different product in the end... I'm not holding my breath. Also I read some quotes from ForumCon about that it's still in early Alpha stages. So how soon it actually makes it's appearance is pretty open as well. I do HOPE they get it together, but I'll wait and see before jumping on any sort of bandwagon either way.

Mostly though... They need to put out a lot more information (which they probably can't at this stage as things are changing).

I've considered going back to vB, just because of DBT for the most part and assuming I did that now, it could be a while before all of the DBT mods I'd use were released for vB5 so regardless of whenever they release vB5, it'd be some time before I'd actually switch to it. Kind of like upgrading Windows really.
Was digging up some vB5 info, here's a quote that can be either good, bad or just scary. =) But I'd hope good.

4. Which JS libraries are used ? Is yui completely gone or are we going to see both Yui and jQuery together

Release is currently scheduled for this year:

In regards to future vB4 development:

Some general ForumCon Pics: ForumCon 2012 Pictures

ForumCon Twitter:!/search/realtime/%23forumcon
Was digging up some vB5 info, here's a quote that can be either good, bad or just scary. =) But I'd hope good.

4. Which JS libraries are used ? Is yui completely gone or are we going to see both Yui and jQuery together

Release is currently scheduled for this year:

In regards to future vB4 development:

Some general ForumCon Pics: ForumCon 2012 Pictures

ForumCon Twitter:!/search/realtime/%23forumcon

And whats your consideration now? As in going back to vb..
And whats your consideration now? As in going back to vb..

Meaning why am I thinking of going back to vB? Well, let me see if I can put that answer into words.

First, I think xF is a superior product to vB, it's clean and coded from scratch so it doesn't have the years of old/bad code any piece of software gets (vB in this case).

That being said, there are some issues I have with xF overall.

First, while the mod support is getting better, it's not what vB is and the entry into xF MVC coding is more difficult for most people. So, there are fewer mods and IMO in general, less robust mods than you can get with vB currently. Doesn't mean they won't exist or there aren't any, but in general, that's my feeling.

xF has issues. First, the lawsuit by IB. I think the lawsuit is a pile of crap and and I hope IB loses in a big way. But, it's doing what they want it to do, hurt xF. The authors of xF are spending more time battling the lawsuit than working on xF (at least it seems to be the case to me). The way the xF site is run, seems neglectful to me and just doesn't have the community I like to see behind it to run itself (again, IMO, I'm waiting for someone to freak out and quote me or something... hehe).

Also, the authors don't really even post on their own forums anymore and there's no longer a feeling of longevity for me.

If I do switch, I'll retain my xF license (I just renewed it a couple months ago just to show support to them) and I wouldn't have a problem going back to it if/when things settle down for them and they can really get back to business. I still support xF and want to see them succeed, and by that I mean, compete with vB and IPB, making all of them give us better software in the end.

As to vB5... whatever. I won't hold my breath on that one. I mean, it'll get released, but we saw so many things that were supposed to happen 3 years ago in vB4 that are just now getting done.... I dunno, I'll wait and see. I'd like to say "I was wrong, they kicked ass for this version of vB!" and hope I can say that when it's released. I'm not entirely sure that vB is going a direction I want or like, a crapton of 3'rd party integration and little in the way of new and innovative creations of their own. The 3'rd party integration is good, but not at the expense of new vB features (which is how I see it anyway).
I'm not going to quote you,I feel you have a problem with xf..I can't comment on that as I've never used it.We are in the off topic zone so fair enough all goes..But the thread is really realated to vb5 not problems over at xf..But I do feel for you...
I meant quotes by people from other sites of me here (it's happened before), not you. =) But yeah, a bit off topic, but at least my last paragraph is on topic. =)