vBNavTabs - Configuration Queries before purchase

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Loving the product, plan to purchase, just got one question. It's not to clear (or I'm too inept) on how to fill out the second navbar menu. See attached screenshots.

^-- Standard "Forums" link

^-- Added "Groups" link, but subnavbar = empty. I want to fill that with the same as what's in the standard "Forums" link.

It is not possible to have the vbulletin default sublinks show up in the second navbar, like they do in the default navbar.
Can I do it all manually? Or at least put something there with this plugin or the paid version? Looks out of place with out it, that's all.
Only way to have sublinks in the second navbar is to associate them with a tab that is in there, and have clicked that tab.
Can you give me a configuration example? Or are you meaning it's a vBulletin only feature, can't be changed with a mod like vBNavTabs?
Create a new tab, then click on Manage Sub-links, Add New Sub-link, and create the sublink, associating it with the tab you just created. Now when you click on that tab you made with the sub-link associated with it, will show up in the sub navbar.
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