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I'm trying to install this module, but after FTPing the files to the server, the XML file won't import. It stays forever stuck at "importing, please wait". I have even left it overnight to see if it just needed more time, but it still never loaded.

So, how do I import it? :RpS_huh:
Does it get stuck at any certain point, are there any messages that come up at all? Also are you upgrading from a previous version or a fresh install?
It gets stuck at: "Importing Product, Please Wait..." every time. Right after clicking the import button. That is the only message that is displayed, and it is a fresh install. It is v1.3.8 LITE.
Does the browser still attempt to load something, or is it saying "Done" in the status bar?

Is PHP error reporting enabled?
I don't know about the PHP error reporting. Have any details on that for me?

During the "Importing Product, Please Wait...", For Firefox and Chrome there is no loading animation or anything, and my browser doesn't give me any signs of trying to load anything.

For IE, the two yellow dots sit there and multiply to continue extending to the right for what seems to be infinity. They don't stop, and nothing else happens. They just make the scroll bar smaller and smaller as it goes on.
Directly beneath <?php in your config.php file add
ini_set('display_errors', true);
and try it again.
Sigh, never mind. I figured out the problem. Sorry.

Somehow my FTP program got set to upload to a directory other than public_html, so the uploaded files were not even going to the right place. I found that out while looking for the config.php file. It works now.

But I have another question regarding the settings, while I'm here.

Also, I have not finished looking through all the settings yet, but I hope there is a way to integrate this system in with credits, to charge users for downloads. I don't want free access to everyone, for sure. Just my active -or paying- members.

Is it possible to have users set specific prices for each file they upload when using vbCredits? I was actually kind of hoping for this feature.
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The Pro version of v1.3.8 has an integration add-on, v1.4 / v2.0 (currently in development) currently does not support this add-on. However, we'll be updating it before making v2.0 Gold :)
Does this add-on allow users to set various prices for files? I can already set a global price for downloads, but that isn't exactly what I wanted to be able to do. I want users that are sharing content to be able to decide on the price they think it should be worth. Even better would be if they gained credits when someone bought the download.

Is this maybe something the vbShop can be used for? I dunno, I think maybe I'm wanting too much flexibility from your modules.. ;) But honestly, features like these would easily make them worth buying to me.
I don't believe individual price points is something that addon can do, we'll see what the new integration addon will be able to do - depends on how complex it'll end up being and how much time I'll have :)
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