Bug Username change history dont work

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Hello everyone .

They display the usernamer change history on profile for everyone , except administrators .

Thanks in advance ✌😁
The username change history only shows for accounts whose change entries were added to the log. If that's not the case for admins, they will have no history entries to show.
The username change history only shows for accounts whose change entries were added to the log. If that's not the case for admins, they will have no history entries to show.

Do you mean this ?

Its all on but its dont work for administrators , for everyone else its work .
No, I mean that admin username changes may not be logged by vBulletin itself.
I think you dont understand my problem ... hhehe 😜

For example:
A normal user and me as a administrator . Both have the premisions " Can View Own Username History " and " Can View Other's Username History " on . But the normaln user have at each profile page the menu bar to see the history of users changing . I as a administrator dont have that .

https://prnt.sc/scfk29 - Both have the same premision on
https://prnt.sc/scfl0r - So see the normaln user his own profile and he see the history of changing
https://prnt.sc/scfmdu - So see I his profile page as administrator

How to fix it ? 😅

Thanks in advance ✌😁
I understand it, and I don’t know how else to explain that the mod works fine, this issue is with vBulletin itself and how it logs username changes.

In any case, given that vB4 itself is end-of-life and this is a free add-on, I don’t plan to look into this further.

I would recommend switching to a more modern forum software like XenForo.
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Legacy Username Change

vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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