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I created a tournament. For the option: "Prize: Choose the amount of Gil the tournament winner will receive."

Where does this Gil come from?

Because right now I am scared it is open to abuse, where two people will battle each other taking turns winning and earning a crap load of Gil if they are allowed to choose there own Gil. Of course I could make tournament making an Admin job, but then it would not get the community involved as much? or should this really be an admin only setting?

Right now the money comes from no where - we're looking to have additional prize features in the next version though. Tournament creation for now though is usergroup perm based, so If you're worried over abuse making it a mod/admin only action might be best :)
I have another question about Tournaments. I set an option for the Tournament to last for an hour. Last night I created that tournament but still no one has joined it. What I am wondering is can people join the tournament if I am not in it? If they join it when I am not in it, will I lose in an hours time? or how exactly do things work ^^
The tournament timeout is purely for matches. Once a tournament begins the first matches are automatically created, those matches have the timer on them - if a user fails to join the match or take their turn they end up disqualified, if neither users turns up a random user is disqualified. If there's another tier of matches once the first step ihas completed, they will be created with the timeout too :)
To be honest I am still confused. I guess the only way I will see is when my members take to Triple Triad and start playing it more. So far they are being lazy lol
Hm let me elaborate then :) All tournaments matches have a timer (defined when you create a tournament, in x hours). This timer acts as inactivity, so if the timer is 1 hour and the user hasn't taken a turn in 1 hour they get disqualified. This does not mean all tournament battles last 1 hour though, users could take their turn every 30 minutes without being disqualified :)
Now I get it! Thanks. So a 1 hour timeout is not good unless both people are there (eg. it was announced prior). I think I might make most of my tournaments have a 12 hour timeout or maybe 24.

What do you usually set?
Do don't usuaully run tournaments, too busy writing scripts to play with them :( Be aware the that when tournament matches start the user is notified through the internal TT message system so they'll see a notification on the site header appear :)
The higher the timeout the more time a user has to take their turn before being disqualified, if you want to force users to hurry up then set the value less.

EG Setting the timeout at 24 hours gives the user a 24 hour period he can take a turn, if he doesn't make a turn within 24 hours, hes disqualified. games can potentially be longer/slow paced (a user could make a turn 23 hours in and then the next person can make a turn 23 hours later and won't be disqualified, setting to 24 hours is good for tournaments that involve people in different time zones.)

Setting this to an hour means the user has less time to react to a move thats been made by their opponent which means your games will be shorter/faster paced. Using an Hour or less (if possible) is better for tournaments with a local time zone (EG a tournament specifically for users in the UK)

hope that helps you a little more :)
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