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Philippe J

Hello !

I've just installed InfoPanels Pro.
I have an issue : when I turn off the Welcome Panel, all I get in the Top X stats is : loading...
But works perfect again if I enable the Welcome Panel.

Thanks for the help ! :)
Can you check FireFox error console (Tools - error console) and tell me of there's a javascript error?
Yes, this is the error I get :

Erreur*: YAHOO.util.Dom.get("dbtech_topxstats_header" + columnid) is null
Fichier Source*: /clientscript/dbtech/infopanels/infopanels.js
Ligne*: 74
Please check that the dbtech_infopanel_panel_header template still has the following piece of code:
<a id="dbtech_topxstats_header{vb:raw i}"

If not, please revert the template.
If it does appear, you can attempt to re-import the product and re-upload the files.

Let me know if that helps :)
Please check that the dbtech_infopanel_panel_header template still has the following piece of code:
<a id="dbtech_topxstats_header{vb:raw i}"

Yes, it has.

If it does appear, you can attempt to re-import the product and re-upload the files.

I did it, but the issue is still here.
The javascript error seen on Firefox console is about line 74 of the infopanel.js file :

YAHOO.util.Dom.get('dbtech_topxstats_header' + columnid).innerHTML = header[0].firstChild.nodeValue;

Firefox error console says : YAHOO.util.Dom.get("dbtech_topxstats_header" + columnid) is null

Sorry for my bad english, and thanks in advance for the help !
Can you view source and tell me if topxstats_header1, topxstats_header2 and topxstats_header3 are in the html?
Yeah I see the problem. Sadly, I'm unable to fix this atm because my internet connection is down and I'm posting via mobile :(

I will prepare the fix and release it as soon as I'm able to. Terribly sorry for this :(

For now, what you can do is reenable the wp and clear out the infopanel_panel template.
Ops, forgot about this, sorry :(

It's been fixed, re-download the zip and re-upload all files.
Also, re-import the XML file to fix the Mark Forums Read bug :)
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