
Basically something that replaces unwanted characters in thread title once submit button is clicked. I manually have to do this once i insert the thread title and its teadous if doing alot of posts. In built vb censor thing strips post content too i only want it for titles. Possible you would consider a small plugin that will do this and give me option to add new characters when i need too.

I seen this done on a vb4 site but seems it must have been created by them.

Pay for this if need be to have it costumed for me or would DB consider it as a product, i feel lots would use it.
Sort of like vb censored words but for characters in title only, try give you an example. below

Grabbed this of Google as its good example :)

Ok paste into thread title - The.Imposter.2012.LIMITED.XViD-TASTE

clcik submit but during the submit process it strips out the DOTs and leaves The Imposter 2012 LIMITED XViD

This can also say add a button beside the title in new thread to remove them instead of it doing during thread submitting. Need the option to add different things too look for and remove for example - -/ > ' # etc.

Pay privately if you could manage this but i feel its a nice wee plugin many would use.