Diana Notacat

Humor is relative. Like, really relative! What one person thinks is hilarious might offend the person standing next to them. So when it comes to cracking jokes, sometimes you gotta watch your back.

What sort of jokes do you find hilarious, but most people think is offensive?

Do you find the good old classic "fart jokes" funny?

Have you ever cracked a joke that you though was funny, but ended up bombing and pissing everyone off?

What would you call your "style of humor"?
I'd have to say my humour is one that is adoptive of most if not all british people which is dry sarcastic humour, basically i find it hillarious when people take the piss out of things in a sarcastic way. a prime example of my comedia hero is Lee Evans, probably the BEST ever comedian. Most americans would probably not understand him or find his jokes funny because they do not share the same humor their overseas counterparts do. just like the americans i'm probably safe to say i do not find any of the american humor funny at all theres a TV show going to start about how comedy translates across the seas. there taking one of britians top comedians and one of americas top comedians and sending them to the others country to perform and see how our humour differs or translates across the seas.

like you said to one person it could be hilarious however to another it could be highly offensive. where i work i'm considered the class clown i'm always cracking sarcastic dry jokes about anything and everything which people find funny, i'm sure if i did that elsewhere i'd probably get shot.