
New member
It would be really nice if you opened something like "Snippets Section"
They would be niftly little mods that improve the functionality of built-in vbulletin features..

Say usergroups, or specifically public-joinable usergroups. It would be nice if, using ajax, users can click and select multiple usergroups they want to join with just a few clicks.

or say the Thread Bookmarking Feature i suggested in my previous thread..using ajax, users can SUBSCRIBE / "BOOKMARK" the thread with just few clicks.

or if you know of a vbulletin feature that needs to be improved for improved user experience..post it here..

so how bout it?
We already do this kind of thing with our smaller free mods =)

We don't really have time to do a lot of them though, since paying customers want updates more than small single feature mods usually, but we always get any new coder to make 1 free one, and we try to have everyone do at least 1 more every 6-9 months =)
