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Let me preface this by saying I'm barely capable of installing mods, even less so when it comes to editing styles. That said, I've been editing styles.

This is probably something that most folks would be able to tackle on their own, but I would appreciate a nudge in the right direction. I promise I went through the StyleVars, including for the DBTech Mods; went through the Gallery settings in ACP; and searched this site. I didn't find what I was looking for, but it was probably staring me right in the face.

First of all, on my newly edited style which has a black background on the forum home page, the font for Gallery comments is nearly indistinguishable from said background:


Secondly, where are the settings for the border, header background, etc., for the Gallery display on the forum home page?:


Thanks a lot.
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My style skills are about the same as my drawing, which is about the level if stickmen, so I'll help where I can heh.

The templates for the forum home are

The comment text should be following the normal body text.
If you want to change it you can modify the css sheet that controls it. The template is
The style container you want to look for is
.gallery_image_comment_container .comments {

Hope that helps
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Legacy DragonByte Gallery

vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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