Bug Something's wrong with master / slave

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I have just upgraded to version 1.2.9 and instantly got a broken replication error message from my monitoring system. There was a Duplicate entry for one of the records in vb_dbtech_dbseo_resolvedurl that stopped the slave server. I thought this could be just an installation issue, but standard

SET GLOBAL sql_slave_skip_counter = 1; start slave; SHOW SLAVE STATUS\G

didn't help. I got thousands of duplicate inserts errors in the next few minutes...

I have reverted to 1.2.8.
Can you show me your config.php file related to MySQL?

The changes in v1.2.9 were brought about because someone else had issues when using mysqli_slave as their dbtype in config.php, which appears to have resolved the issue for them. Is this not how your server is set up?
I'm sorry I've disappeared without replying. A lot of work and a lot of stuff outside of work collided in such a way I couldn't afford another master-slave resync. It always takes some time during the night and it's usually a lot of troubles...

Anyway, my config is this:
$config['Database']['dbtype'] = 'mysqli_slave';
$config['Database']['dbname'] = 'bb';
$config['Database']['tableprefix'] = 'vb_';
$config['Database']['force_sql_mode'] = false;

$config['MasterServer']['servername'] = 'X';
$config['MasterServer']['port'] = 3306;
$config['MasterServer']['username'] = 'X';
$config['MasterServer']['password'] = 'X';
$config['MasterServer']['usepconnect'] = 0;

$config['SlaveServer']['servername'] = 'Y';
$config['SlaveServer']['port'] = 3306;
$config['SlaveServer']['username'] = 'Y';
$config['SlaveServer']['password'] = 'Y';
$config['SlaveServer']['usepconnect'] = 0;

Did you find anything that could be related to my problem after 1.2.9 installation? Duplicate record popped-up the second I installed the upgrade back then...
Can you try turning off the Persistent URL setting and let me know if there's any other issues?
I'm on 1.2.8 currently, and I want to confirm the steps.
I'm going to

1. disable persistent url
2. upgrade dbseo keeping master-slave config to the current version
3. re-enable persistent url

is this correct?
Leave out step 3, but otherwise correct :)

If there's no more errors (you should start receiving DB errors in the mail as of v1.2.9) then we can examine further whether there's an issue with that specific query.
Let's leave it for tomorrow, to make sure that there's nothing going to happen later.

Do you have the Spider Log and Sitemap Hit Log enabled? If not, could you try enabling one of them?
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