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I just bought and installed this. I tagged someone and it showed up in the shoutbox. but when I click on the User Tags tab, it gave me:
Error: Service Unavailable

Not sure if that is a shoutbox problem or a problem with this, but thought I would let you know here ^^

Question 1: I noticed that guests can tag people. I have "Is Excluded Usergroup " set to yes for unregistered/not logged in. How do I stop guests from being able to tag people?

Question 2: How do I stop the Thread Tags from showing up at all to guests.
I just installed this. I tagged someone and it showed up in the shoutbox. but when I click on the User Tags tab, it gave me:
Error: Service Unavailable
Not sure if that is a shoutbox problem or a problem with this, but thought I would let you know here ^^
Is there anything in your server's error_log that could help track this down?

Edit: I noticed that guests can tag people. How do I stop guests from being able to tag people?
That's an oversight, sorry :(

Perform the following template edit:
In template dbtech_usertag_inlinetaglist find:
	<if condition="$taglist">
		<td class="alt1">{$taglist}</td>

Add below:
	<if condition="$bbuserinfo['userid']">


Add above:

Edit 2: How do i stop the Thread Tags from showing up at all to guests.
To do that instead, wrap the entire template in that if condition I just showed you :)
1. Shoutbox problem. I will have a look at my servers error logs soon.

2. I applied that and it worked. Thanks.

3. Thanks it worked too ^^

For the Hide user tag list to guests part, Could you add that as an optional feature. I don't really think guests need to see who has been tagged in a thread. If not, I will just try to remember to apply that fix :) Thanks.
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