Question Regaining Default Font Color

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Hi. Here's my problem.

A user has asked me how can they return their font color back to the default color of the style, and I can't find how to do so without turning off font colors for all users. In vbulletin's default color editor there is an "automatic" button above all the other font colors which allows a user to get rid of the font coloring in his/her text and return back to the forum's default font color for any style, however because there isn't a "automatic" button in vbshout's color editor that's not possible and a user is stuck with having some sort of custom color always. I assume that font color selection has a "remember" function for each user, so is there a query or somewhere in the database that I can go to find a specific user's font color and remove the coloring from it so that it displays in the forum's default font color for any of the forum's styles?
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UPDATE user SET dbtech_vbshout_shoutstyle = NULL WHERE userid = X

Add your table prefix if you use it, and replace X with the user ID of the member in question :)
No problem :)

If you have any other issues or questions, please feel free to start a new support ticket. Thanks!
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Legacy vBShout

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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