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With 2000 downloads made, but only a half-dozen items rated (and half of those ratings by me) it seems clear that the current rating system isn't being used. I suspect that's because unless you know it's there, it's hard to notice!

Could we get a more visible one? Even better, one which allows the user to rate the file (1-10 or something) with star ratings rather than just a +1/-1?
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Unfortunately it would be impossible to change the rating system without completely disregarding all existing ratings, which is obviously something we would like to avoid.

If you have any specific suggestions on how to improve the visibility of the +1/-1 functionality, please do post it :)
I changed the graphics to little red and green up and down arrows which might help a little. We'll see.

As for disregarding previous ratings - perhaps allow site owners to make that decision for themselves? I'd personally be happy to do so.
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