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It requires a cron job to run in order to do it, if no one is on te site at the time the cron job runs it won't do it. Try running the cron job Daily Cleanup it can be found upner, ACP / Scheduled Tasks / Scheduled Task Manager / Daily Cleanup. After running that make sure you flush any caching systems you may be running like vB Optimise.
I've run the daily clean up about 3 times now and flushed the cache several times as I have been editing templates and stuff and it still refuses to play nice lol I'm not sure what you mean by someone being on the site at the time...I am always there when I run the cron, if that's what you mean?
Could you please bump my account Fillip H. up to admin with Can Administer Scheduled Tasks / Cron (I forgot the exact name)? If so I should hopefully be able to look into this :)
I placed you back into Administrator with all the settings, I thought you were still set as an admin lol don't know how that happened, sorry

Nm I must be thinking about someone else :S
The issue is in your PHP configuration.

allow_url_fopen needs to be enabled in order for Copyright Management or Global Branding Free to work :)
I don't think my hosting has that enabled, though I do have custom php ini files for the eval stuff, what are the risks to enabling it? If I can through the php.ini that is lol
If your files are compromised then it's possible for attackers to include code hosted on their own servers rather than uploading to yours (thus avoiding detection by ClamAV or any other server-side antivirus program).

We have it enabled here on DBTech though, so we consider the risks worth taking :)
Ok :) It looks like I can enable it in the php.ini

My hosting gave me the custom one when they disabled eval codes from being executed and my forum went to pot lol so I have several php.ini files....would I need to enable it in all of them or just the one in the forum root should do?

Thanx for your help so far :)
I don't know how your server is set up but the forum root one should work in theory :)
Yeah I tried that and the AdminCP one and no dice lol I searched the knowledgebase at my hosting's site and it says I have to request it to be enabled...which I have done and now just need to be patient and wait I spose LOL
Ok so I managed to get it working by placing a php.ini in the cron folder and I see the grouping of mods....but the individual copyright lines are still there so it looks like this now:

vBulletin Optimisation by vB Optimise.
Profile Hover, Forum Live Feed & User Wall, vB Optimise, Advanced user Tagging, Advanced Post Thanks / Like, vBMail, AJAX Threads
vBulletin Mods & Addons Copyright © 2012 DragonByte Technologies Ltd.
Profile Hover v1.4.0 Copyright © 2012 DragonByte Technologies Ltd.

lol any ideas?
For some reason, Profile Hover and vB Optimise doesn't work with merged copyrights on forumhome. It works fine on all other pages.

If you edit the Global Initialisation plugin for this product you should be able to add the target :)
A seperate line for vboptimise still shows on all pages, I will probably disable the copyright management mod instead so I don't have all the duplicates lol would have been nice to have them all on one line without the extra but that's life eh LOL thanx for all your help :)
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Legacy Copyright Management

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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