Bug Problems with the product no more working correctly

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Now if I click on a button, the count doesn't change. So I always see 0, but if I click on that zero I can see that someone has clicked on that button (even if, as said, it shows 0).

Check it here: Test - Klayz Community

First button on first post on the left (this: http://i.imgur.com/RwLwN0w.png).
It seems also that the notifications are no more working.

I updated to the latest version, but nothing changed. Help please. :)
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I'm unable to replicate this issue. Could you please check your browser's error console for any JS errors?
Update: I've seen this issue in action @ your site and it appears to be an issue with CloudFlare. They appear to be caching the POST request (you should never cache POST requests) so the mod cannot work correctly.
Thank you for checking Fillip H.. It's strange, as some days ago it was working without problems, so maybe something has been changed internally at CloudFlare. I currently have this (section Page Rules, actually set to Default): http://i.imgur.com/ObCCY34.png. Should I set it to Bypass or maybe Ignore query strings?
I've no experience with CloudFlare so unfortunately I can't advise any further, sorry :(
I tried to bypass the cache, but the problem is still there unfortunately. I'll try then to contact the CloudFlare support directly.
Hey Fillip H., this is what they told me (CloudFlare support):

From your HAR file it doesn't seem that we are caching any post requests. If we cache anything you would see the header 'CF-Cache-Status: HIT | MISS'. You currently don't see those in the post requests.

Also we respect header tags for caching, if for some reason we did cache the post, but you have param no cache, expires set in the past, and max-age=0. Those are three things we also look for as to not cache any content.

How can I tell if CloudFlare is caching my site or a specific file? – CloudFlare Support

So it's probably a mod prroblem, in this case. I don't know. What do you think?
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If I'm to go back and test again you'll need to leave CF disabled, let me know when this is done so I can go back to check again :)
You can check it. I currently disabled/paused CloudFlare for that domain. Let me know and thanks a lot for your support, Fillip H.! :)

Oh, note please that also the "Disable this button" - "Require X to be clicked", etc. in the newthread pages are no more visible, for some reason.
You can re-enable CF, the issue was that vB Optimise was configured to use Memcache, but Memcache was not working correctly on your forum. I have switched vB Optimise over to using Filecache and APTL is now working as intended on your forum :)
Great! Thank you so much, Fillip H.! I will investigate on Memcache. Do you have any hints I could start with, from what you've seen and from your experience?
Unfortunately I have no experience with Memcache so I can't really say much. I would recommend using XCache if you are able to install this on your server, as it does not require the same advanced configuration that Memcached does.

If you're asking your host to install it, please also ask them to disable admin auth and that they test the cacher is working correctly, as it does not work correctly using the default configuration.
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