Private messages like chat in vb4



Private messages, one-by-one in vb 4 are kinda old school and annoying.
It would be nice to have a chat-like private message system.

Are You planning to write something like this? (maybe...)

I know, this will be a lot of work but it i think it could be a bestseller ;o)


Private messages, one-by-one in vb 4 are kinda old school and annoying.
It would be nice to have a chat-like private message system.

Are You planning to write something like this? (maybe...)

I know, this will be a lot of work but it i think it could be a bestseller ;o)


vBulletin Chat, jQuery Chat, Facebook Chat - ArrowChat

Already do this.

They both have their pro's and con's.
Arrowchat has the far superior layout and much better settings. However cometchat is more diverse as it has lots of great application add ons that Arrowchat doesn't have.

Facebooks has something both these chat system don't have yet: They allow you to appear offline to some users while online to others.

It's a big project, but if DB tech combines both the aspects from both of these chat system (+ keep it like facebooks), then I'd happily pay $100.
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They are both to heavy... i think.

It would be nice to have just a better view for PMs in vB, something like:

I think You know what I mean.
Whole conversation in one window, in the 'clouds'.