There's no options for that, but if you post this in the Lite version forum as a feature suggestion we will take it into consideration for future versions :)
It looks like this just impacts the legacy postbit?

That might work as I am wanting to leave the regular postbit alone. However, I'm not sure if you can select a different postbit style per style...there must be an add on for that somewhere?
It's designed to work with the _legacy one, yeah. People who use the standard one tend to not need this mod :)

I don't know if there's an addon to swap postbit styles per skin, certainly not heard of one...
hrmm...seems like it should be built in really...I mean you'd think that one skin might use a legacy and other one a "new". I agree with you...I don't need it on the horizontal postbit. But don't want to eliminate that in the existing style either...need a way to default by skin.