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New member
I'd like to disable the below post count and move them in other places in the postbit. I have a different setup. what are the hooks for whats used below the post count? thanks.
The relevant plugin file is /dbtech/vbactivity/includes/hooks/postbit_display_complete.php

We originally supported multiple locations, but that became a nightmare due to so many different skins having so many different ways of using each hook.
sorry Fillip H. but I'm a newbie, but I don't really understand what's in /dbtech/vbactivity/includes/hooks/postbit_display_complete.php, I'm using dynamic tab postbit like our forum but I don't know exactly the right code to put vBActivity - Stats , vBActivity - Bars, award and archivements like in this forum?
as the mod Vbexperience I got the option : custom display with the function {vb: raw postbit.ex} to put my vBActivity - Bars and start wherever I want. So what is the exact code for vbactivity?
If you hold on until Friday, we will hopefully have our own incarnation of the Dynamic Postbit mod released, which will natively support vBActivity with no code edits needed by you :)
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