Legacy PDF support

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We have a small number of PDF files in our existing gallery. I'm going to migrate them across anyway and add support for pdf files - there's no rush. I imagine this may involve quite a few small changes to quite a few modules which will make it a pain for me to install updated versions of the gallery.

1) is pdf support planned in the near future (like I'm that lucky)?!

2) Is there a way I can package it as a "supported mod" which will make it easier for me when you issue an update?


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1) We have no plans for native PDF support in the near future, sorry :(

2) With your permission we could add it to the core product and release it as an update, that way you wouldn't have to edit any further files when updating :)
OK. It'll be a while before I get round to this anyway, there aren't that many pdf files! I'll ley you know when I get it working.
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