Bug Only one achievement target showing per category under Achievement Targets

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Loony BoB

Only just noticed this. Not sure if it's a bug or if it's a feature, to be honest, but it would be nice to allow more than one achievement per category to be visible. Obviously not so far as that all the parent and child ones are equally visible, but just different ones - so if I had "10 posts in ForumA" and "50 posts in ForumB" both under the "Posts" category, it would show me both of them instead of just one or the other. Hope that makes sense, it feels awkward to explain. xD
Yep - At the moment under Achievement Targets, I'm guessing you personally will see something like the target for x number of posts in the main forum, but not the target for x number of threads, nor the target for x number of posts/threads in test.
I don't suppose you have found any time to look into this? We've just gone live with our system on the main forums and a few of the members have queried this one.

PS. We have quite a large userbase and sadly they're requesting all kinds of features of me in excitement after we revealed the achievements & awards, I'm kind of waiting for them to be done so I can pick out the priority suggestions and mention them in here soon... so apologies in advance if any of them are annoying. xD
Sorry, I must have lost the tab with this thread in a browser crash. I will put it on my list to check out ASAP this week :)
Update: Sorry for the delay, I've been overwhelmed this week :(

One achievement per category is working as intended. Please create separate categories for separate achievement categories. As an example, please see the achievements I imported from the vbactivity-export.xml file.
Ah, right. That's a shame, we're going to have something like 50-100 categories now. xD Ah well.

Is there any reason that the "posts in x forum" don't show the progress?
This should now be resolved on your test forum, and a patched /dbtech/vbactivity/actions/achievtargets.php has been uploaded to the live release :)
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Legacy vBActivity & Awards

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