Bug New Lisiting automatically goes to Unsold

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What are the start and end date settings? Are you letting user's select when they want to start the listing?

Edit: What type of auction are you doing as well?
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It's a Buy it Now Listing
I didn't use the new feature in the Listing settings

Listing Settings --> Create Listing Start Time by Listing End Time --> No

I change it to Yes

Attempted to List with a Start and End Date...came back with a PM as Unsold.

Attempted to List by Check this box if you want to select the end time ...Good News no PM as Unsold, Forum Post with Link to Listing with an option to buy ...but Item did not List and does Not display in Classifieds as Items in Category or Items for Sale
re-verted back to an earlier version
I was originally on version 1.1.4 before going to 1.1.6
On 1.1.5 still getting the PM = Unsold and on another note when trying to Edit Listing it is now taking me to the CMS?

Edit: Edit Listing CMS issue sorted.

PM Unsold and Listing not displaying in Classifieds remains an issue.
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I think this might be some sort of mismatch with the start/end date. I'll take a proper look tomorrow based on this info you've passed on to us. :)
I've had a look at this, and want to check back with you on something.

At the moment, the system works on the principle that if the listing is submitted with an end date, then the the start date is calculated by subtracting the length of time you want the listing to run from the end date. If this brings the start date before the current time, then the system by default sets the start date as the current time.The end time is then calculated by adding the listing length to the start date we've just calculated.

From what I can see and from the tests I've done so far, this should never cause the end date to end up before the current time, which is the only reason why a listing would be 'ended'. But you did mention that you set both the start and end date, which shouldn't be possible as jQuery deactivates one option or the other in the form. If it's not doing that then it suggests a minor problem.

But, you did mention how you got it to let you submit a listing. From your description that is how it should work. the fact it doesn't show shouldn't be an issue. If the start date that is created is after the current time, then it won't show now, but will show however many days before the end date/time you've selected.


19th of June 2014 at 23:00 you submit as your end date. The listing is 7 days long.

You won't therefore see the listing until the 10th of June after 23:00.

Does that help?
Here is the most simple
Listing Type: Buy-it-Now --> Start Date is default...now
buy it now.jpg

Select: Listing Length

Instead of a start time it appears it's acting as an End Time

Okay that got me thinking so I input an End time in the Start Date... and it listed in the forum with option to Buy but not Listed in Classifieds...perhaps my product files codes are backwards? LOL :)
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Do I still have credentials on your forum? I might try it myself to see if I can figure if the jQuery stuff is causing an issue. Does it have Admin access? It might be quicker if I can check a few things myself if you have no problems with that?
I've finally figured the issue. Instead of using the length of the listing time's to create the listing start and end date, it was using the title. If the title started with a number (i.e. 30 days), it would use the number. If it started with other letters, it would create a listing length of 0, hence creating this loop. Thanks for your help on identifying this issue. :)
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