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ChitChat vBulletin Skin, I have some issue with vBNavTabs - Navbar Tabs , Navbar is broken. Also does not show Social Media Icons, Please can i get fix update about on this issue?

With vBNavTabs - Navbar Tabs:


Without vBNavTabs - Navbar Tabs:


This issue conflict with vBNavTabs - Navbar Tabs, Please can i get fix update ChitChat compatibility with vBNavTabs - Navbar Tabs?
I'll need AdminCP with at least Can Administer Styles to make this change for you.
Does you want check and fix this issue on my test site ? Than You fix this issue with xml or php file for upload on my live site.So that I cannot get this issue again if I going to upgrade my site. Also if you want my live site for fixing this issue. I will send you my site login details. Please let me know.
Whatever site the skin is installed on right now, you'll be able to copy the template off there if you need it for another site :)
This skin is not created with multiple navbars in mind. The way I've made it look now is the best I can do, unfortunately.
We won't be able to fix any further skin-specific issues. You should contact your skin developer if you need help implementing specific skin features into a custom mod like this :)
I have get answers from purevb !

We fully support vBulletin's navigation system, which gives you full control of you navigation. Why use that add on when vBullitin can pretty much do it? We follow all vbullitin coding standards, its impossible to code for plugins that do custom code and copy the CSS they want from vBulletin default.
At this time, we can only recommend you disabling this addon and use the default one that comes with vBulletin. Are you aware of the navigation system that comes with vBulletin that you can edit via your admincp? It would require us to re-code the entire navigation to make it work with this module so at this time, we do not support this module. In the near future, we may take it into consideration but even so, vBulletin uses a nice system within the admin panel that lets you modify your navigation as needed.

They are wrong, the default vBulletin navigation manager does not allow for you to create multiple navigation bars. It only supports one, and therein lies the issue.
Yes that i know , Also vB not allow nav tab icon image? Skins Developer do not provide custom mod support and Mod Developer do not provide custom skin support. Now where i can go for take to support ? This one realy nice disgusting, That reason future i am no more going to using any custom mod/skin.
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